View Full Version : Feel even more ill today guys, really need some help :(

22-07-11, 22:44
Hi everyone. I feel like I hardly have the energy to type this, but over the last couple days (after I had a sore throat bug type thing for 2 weeks) i've been feeling absolutely exausted. And with that is a constant nausea feeling.

I'm REALLY starting to feel down about this. I've had a stressful couple weeks and I know stress can cause this, but I've never felt this bad before.

I'm going to have an earlier night and get up early and see if this helps, but I really, really need some reassurance that this is a common thing?

I'm freaking out it's ME or cancer or HIV or something.

God I just feel like crap :(

22-07-11, 23:19
Ive felt like this many a time ..Get plenty of rest and sleep over the next few days and it will really help you .Also get plenty of Vit c down you .It will boost your immune system .Its common to feel run down with infections and Anxiety .You need to recharge your batteries .Nothing sinister going on I assure you ..Sleep well ..Sue x