View Full Version : Peripheral Artery Disease Im scared I have this!

23-07-11, 01:23
For the last 10 years my legs hurt when I walk short distances. My left hip hurts really really bad and now the calf hurts both are terrible pains but after I rest the pain subsides. It says if you have this you have a 30 percent chance of dying in 5 years but mine started ten years ago. I always thought my mom had arthritis but think now it was P A D . She was in terrible pain for years as were my aunts but my mom lived to 79 and one aunt that smoked lived till 74 died of cancer another aunt with it lived to 93. I am so worried that I am going to kill over from heart attack or stroke or blood clot anytime. They say that if you dont smoke and eat right and exercise you will get better then some people have surgery. Im terrified to P A D but my doctor has never mentioned I might have it or tested me for it but when I have been at the drs I never thought to mention it. Doctors terrify me so Ill suffer in silence without knowing but im scared to death!! The only symptoms I have is pain with walking. Could this possibly be something else besides P A D?Im really sick with worry. When exercising I get scared im going to have a heart artack and I get nauseated from fear I think. Help please???

23-07-11, 01:59
My pain started just like this Michael ..I had a cholesterol check /fasting blood test .It was all ok ..If your hip hurts chances are you have some degree of arthritis .This will nearly always put strain on your back ,due to your posture being out of alignment .When you walk this causes the pain down the legs .Also walking causes pain due to a build up of acid in the muscles .If it has gone on for ten years and nothing had happened I would say you are ok .Being anxious will make your muscles tense and also cause you pain when excercising .Like you say being scared makes you feel sick .This is due to the adrenaline and cortisol your body produces when stressed /anxious .Keeping fit by doing correct excercises for your age and physical capabilities is essential for your muscles, also good for your heart .Could you try to get enrolled in some sort of excercise club or maybe go and see a physiothrapist ?Swimming is also an excellent way of keeping fit and for keeping those muscles in good shape .Pace yourself to start with .. If you need to lose weight do so ,this will help you too as it takes a lot of strain off the joints .Also good for general well being .Main thing tho is to learn some type of relaxation regime where you can learn to destress and fully relax .Like I said to you before if you are hurting after excercise heat works well as it relaxes the muscles .There are foods you can eat to lower cholesterol ,so you dont necessarily have to take drugs even if yours was high .It cant do any harm any how can it ? Hope this has reassured you somewhat .Take care LOVE sUE X

23-07-11, 05:57
Hi Sue once again thank you. I was curious as to if your calf cramps or aches when walking to. When I walk the same leg that gets pain in the hip feels like someone has a clamp around the calf f my leg when its hurting. Also didnt you tell me that you also get the vibration symptom in your leg and lower back? Its like a continous buzzing/tuning fork sensation that when it starts last most of the day through the night and then disappears the next day but sometimes comes back the next day but if it doesnt reappears the day after?

24-07-11, 00:02

24-07-11, 00:10
I don get the calf pain anymore Michael ,Since I started the excercise s I was given .Its helped with that .I do still get the tingling /vibration feeling down my back ,buttocks, legs ..at times tho .Its due to nerves ,related to lower spine area .Try to keep in a good position .Bad posture or too much strain can cause it .Thats not anything to worry about unless it affects your bladder ..Thats deff something I DONT NEED .lol ..Why dont you go get a blood test it will give you reassurance ? ...Luv Sue x

24-07-11, 00:31
Thanks Sue I appreciate it... what type blood test?

24-07-11, 00:44
A fasting blood test will check your Cholesterol levels .They can also do other non invasive tests as listed below .You would only need one or two ..
Diagnosing PAD
PAD diagnosis begins with a physical examination.
Your healthcare provider will check for weak pulses in the legs. Your physical examination may include the following:
<LI sizset="87" sizcache="32" nodeIndex="1">Ankle-brachial index (ABI): a painless exam that compares the blood pressure in your feet to the blood pressure in your arms to determine how well your blood is flowing. This inexpensive test takes only a few minutes and can be performed by your healthcare professional as part of a routine exam. Normally, the ankle pressure is at least 90 percent of the arm pressure, but with severe narrowing it may be less than 50 percent.

View an illustration of ankle-brachial index testing (http://www.medmovie.com/mmdatabase/MediaPlayer.aspx?ClientID=65&TopicID=665)
Watch a video about ankle-brachial index testing (http://hearthub.org/index.htm?VideoLibrary=1)

If an ABI reveals an abnormal ratio between the blood pressure of the ankle and arm, you may need more testing. Your doctor may recommend one of these other tests.
<LI sizset="89" sizcache="32" nodeIndex="2">Doppler and Ultrasound (Duplex) imaging: a non-invasive method that visualizes the artery with sound waves and measures the blood flow in an artery to indicate the presence of a blockage. View an illustration of Doppler ultrasound imaging. (http://www.medmovie.com/mmdatabase/MediaPlayer.aspx?ClientID=65&TopicID=683)
<LI sizset="90" sizcache="32" nodeIndex="3">Computed Tomographic Angiography (CT): a non-invasive test that can show the arteries in your abdomen, pelvis and legs. This test is particularly useful in patients with pacemakers or stents. View an illustration of CT imaging. (http://www.medmovie.com/mmdatabase/MediaPlayer.aspx?ClientID=65&TopicID=772)

Magnetic Resonance Angiography (MRA): a non-invasive test that gives information similar to that of a CT without using X-ray
Sue x

24-07-11, 01:17
Thanks... im worried about going to the dr, the thought scares me but maybe I can get my courage up. Thanks again Sue

24-07-11, 01:20
Try Michael ,its better to get checked out every now and again .Will put your mind at rest im sure .Take care and have good day luv Sue x:D