View Full Version : Feel sick everytime I eat now :(

23-07-11, 10:38
I assume I still have this stomach bug but I feel sick everytime I eat. I'm trying to eat small light things, like I just had some toast now but I feel queasy again. I've not actually been sick but keep feeling like I'm going to be.
I feel gassy and bloated as well and get odd stomach cramps.
It makes it worse if I move as well.

I'm worrying now it's something else, or maybe my own anxiety is causing it.
I've also reduced my venlafaxine and after tomorrow I have none left, partly my own fault and partly because I want to come off them. I'm thinking this isn't helping?

Argh, I just want this feeling to go away :weep:

04-08-11, 23:08
probs a stomach bug, but if things still bad, it might be IBS, gastritis or gastroenteritis. i first got diagnosed with gastroenteritis but then few months down the line i still had the same pain and not going away, so they assumed its gastritis, i have very similar problems but when i am bad i do throw up.

domperidon helped me ALOT with other tablets like anti spaz, anti acids and anti sickness...best go to your doc about that though...taken me 2 years to know what was the reallll problem and reason...just hope if you still have the pain it wont take as long to find out whats wrong