View Full Version : tinnitus

23-07-11, 11:59
hi all, ive just relocated from uk to australia ive started a new job, got a new house and since ive got here (2 months) im feelin like im going mad, i havent been on here for a while but ive had constant headaches and my tinnitus which ive had for years is more pronounced and im feelin pretty shitty im now convinced i have a tumour of sorts but my sinus are playin up so im hoping thats wot it is, any help or advice would be great thanx

24-07-11, 05:06

24-07-11, 05:57
Hi,sorry no one has answeed you on this but I have had what you do for over thirty years andit does reac to sinus and weather conditins. While annoying its not harmful in anyway and I think you will be fine . Take care.

24-07-11, 10:33
hello Libby,
I had tinnitus years ago. I did'nt really notice it much during daytime, but at night it was horrible and stopped me from sleeping.
I went to my GP and he gave me pills and they did help. eventually it went away.
I must add that i was stressed out at the time I had the tinnitus and my then Gp
was treating me for anxiety as well.
Hope you get it sorted.