View Full Version : just curious how many floaters people get

23-07-11, 13:26
Hiya just out of being curious how many floater people have. If there in both eyes the size the shapes and when people noticed them

23-07-11, 13:30
I have them in both eyes and first noticed them after I had my first child 18 years ago. I put it down to the high blood pressure I had and the pushing!!!! theres loads of them!

23-07-11, 13:33
Hiya Nikki I have loads. I wud say my feet eye worse. I got them at 15 but recently a lot more have come. Thank. For reply. Doc says just to ignore but it's hard wen there everywhere you look xx

23-07-11, 13:58
I have them as well. A really long one in mhy left eye. Just had an eye appointment last firday - annual check up. And it was still there. I knew it was becasue I can see it especially when I close my eyes and lights are on them. Sometimes I just watch it float around. Other times it gives me a start because I forget about it and then think I see a bug or something HA. eye dr says eventually they may go way but can last awhile. Harmless for the most part. And so for me it has been - other than getting a "pang" when i think it's a bug :D

23-07-11, 14:30
So your use to your eye floater now? Think mine are annoying because there so many in each eye. Ha ha chasing your eye floater :)

23-07-11, 16:16
hiya, i get floaters in both eyes too, i went to the doctors and she said it could be migraine. Mine usually are there before i get a headache, but they don't last long. :)

23-07-11, 18:10
Hiya margy I get em all time :( but doc told me I'm fine xx

23-07-11, 20:03
Oh that's good then, yeah when i got them floater's i asked my doctors and opiticians why im getting them, they said it could be migraine. But i only get them now and again now. x

23-07-11, 21:18
Mine are a nightmare there constant. Even wen looking at someone they float past

23-07-11, 21:25

I have had this not just since anxiety but as far back as i can remember. Its actually perfectly normal my optician explained this to me at my last eye check up. I cant remember exactly what she said but its a part of the lining of the eye that breaks away exactly the same as over time we shed skin. Some people notice it some people dont. Normally people with very good vision tend to notice more than others. My optician said if you notice this and see it your vision is near perfect.

Dont worry friends!!


23-07-11, 22:40
Hey just to make u laugh I thought u was on about poo in the toilet ha. What a plum I am.

25-07-11, 08:10
hiya grydem thats reasuuring yeah got 20/20 vision, out of curiosity how mant do you have? and errrrr morgan ha ha xx

23-08-11, 18:58
I first noticed floaters about 10 years ago. At the time, I had never heard of them and was terrified! Over the years, either they have died down a bit, or I have got used to them - not sure which! Over the last couple of weeks, however, I have had a "new" one in my right eye. It's not visible when I'm looking straight ahead, but if I look quickly to the side, it pops into vision. It was getting me really worried until I googled floaters and found out they do can get worse/more noticeable with anxiety! It would be impossible for me to count mine as they are all so teeny and faint and move around so much! The only one bothering me is this new one but I'm hoping I will get used to this one too....or it will fade over time :)

23-08-11, 20:54

I have a couple in my left eye and have been aware of them from a young age. They seem to become more noticeable when I'm tired or when I particularly think about them and focus on them (like now - lol) Can be very annoying, have often mistaken them for a fly or something but I am reasonably happy that they are harmless as have had them so long am sure they would have caused a problem by now if they were going to.


23-08-11, 21:14
Had floaters for as long as i can remember. Get them particularly bad when i'm hungover. Asked all my friends if they get them and they said they do so i have never really worried about them.

23-08-11, 21:21
I thought you were talking about poo as well...only reason I opened the thread lol....

23-08-11, 21:24
I thought you were talking about poo as well...only reason I opened the thread lol....


See standards have gone down the bog :lac:

23-08-11, 21:47
They've always been there MM....you should know...

Can't read the word floaters without laughing.
M155anthr0p3 is 12....