View Full Version : Today's Appointment

03-05-06, 11:24
I've had my appointment this morning. I have been thinking whether to post this or not, because in this appointment the aim was to get through the door at the clinic and through the door at my local shop. But I haven't done either.

I have made some progress today though. My therapist drove me to the clinic and parked this time outside the door. She got out with me and was about to lock the car door, but I felt too anxious to have the car door shut and locked.

There's no railings or anything for me to hold on to so I found that hard too. I also got anxious and went back to the car. So my therapist counted how many steps there are from the car to the door and broke it down so I did 5 steps, we stayed there a bit and went back to the car. We stayed in the car for a bit then she drove me to the shop.

But when we got to the shop there was no space to park, it was busy and so we parked further up and were watiing until anyone went. But after a while there was still no where near to park so instead she drove me round my street and then parked where I usually get to on my daily walk and we stayed there a bit and walked back from there.

She said she's noticed me getting better when people are around. When outside the clinic there was some people around and I coped well and when we were on my street a lady I know at the house we were stood outside, started chatting to us and asked us to stroke her dog. These are things I'd have had difficulty with before.

I feel I haven't done that much in my appointment today but I guess it's still progress.

Take Care,


03-05-06, 11:34
Sounds like you made progress - that's great.:D:D

03-05-06, 11:49
Hi Heather !

Thats great, you have done realy well today, little steps at a time my friend there is no rush, small steps lead to bigger steps. I think even by you getting into a car and going for a drive is abosultley brilliant !!!

Give yourself a Pat on the back !!!

Well done !!!

Love Andrea

03-05-06, 12:03
well done heather keep up the good work like one of the others said i agree take little steps at a time and bigger ones will soon
good luck for you next appointment

03-05-06, 14:42
oh heather dont make light of what you have done,it's wonderful that you are making such progress.We all have days that are better than others,BRAVO.love mary-rose.xxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

03-05-06, 17:38
Thank you everyone :)


03-05-06, 18:11
hi heather ,,

sounds like you did just fine praise yourself for however small step,,

your therapist is it c,b,t cause i have pestered my doc for ages for me to see a c,b,t but cant,,

good luck,,


better to fight for something than to live for nothing

03-05-06, 21:17
hi heather,

dont feel too disappointed that you didn't reach your goals today. sounds like you did alright again, well done. stay positive, there's always another day to try again. tc .. andrew

03-05-06, 23:12
Well done Heather, as people already said, the little steps are a great achievement, your courage will gradually grow and one day you will wonder what all this was about!! Keep up the good work. Sus, x

Nothing is predestined: The obstacles of your past can become the gateways that lead to new beginnings.
Ralph Blum

04-05-06, 11:09
Thank you Trevor, Andrew and Sus. :)

Trevor - At the moment i'm having exposure therapy by an occupational therapist and a home suport worker who come to visit me, on the NHS. They are aiming to get me to psycology appointments at a clinic, it sounds like I'll be having CBT with the psycologist but I'm not 100% sure about that. Does your doctor say there is no CBT in your area?

Take Care,
