View Full Version : Red bull ???

23-07-11, 18:47
I know as a panick attack suffery, you are suppose to limit the intake of caffine, however I feel that Having one can of redbull a day (in the morning to get me going) is nt going to hurt! I have the occasional cup of tea throught the day and thats it !! Does anyone else think this may effect my anxiety levels, youre thoughts are welcomed! .x.:unsure:

23-07-11, 19:11
red bull is a panick attack in a can

23-07-11, 19:16
I agree with London 100%.

23-07-11, 19:25
Theres more Caffeine in a cup of strong coffee than Red Bull ..Both can cause increased heartbeats .If you drink either and have adverse reactions stick to Decaff ..and dont drink Energy drinks . sue

23-07-11, 19:36
Red Bull is evil - do not drink it - it has no health benefit whatsoever

23-07-11, 19:37
Thankyou for youre replies I wil certainly take onboard your replies and maybe re evaluate if I really need to have it (I think its become a bit of a addiction) somewhat like a smoker needing their first cigarette in a morning !x

25-07-11, 13:12
There's been times when I've drank lots of fizzy drinks and also like yourself redbull everyday. At the time a few years ago I didn't notice it making me worse. Although I have had a can on a night out when I have been driving and I've felt very anxious. I'd avoid it anyway as it is very bad for you in general.

25-07-11, 13:16
YEP! Pure panic - even more stupid hyperness!!! xxx

25-07-11, 13:19
i did a post on this when i had like 5 cans one night and i felt like running to the moon and back but it wasent good for me afterwards

27-07-11, 10:10
since i stopped drinking lemonade and shifted to sparkling water i felt beter re anxiety...evn i stopped taking choclate..maybe its all in my mind... but hej i feel like...cleaner??

27-07-11, 11:15
just before my anxiety started I worked in a coffee shop and was drinking coffee all day so that probably didn't help my anx at all.

I have since switched to de-caf, even tea and if i fancy a fizzy drink i have diet coke caffeine free. I think red bull and things like that are like london said panic attacks in a can and don't do you any good at all.

Kayleigh x

27-07-11, 14:09
I ended up staying awake for 24 hours doing Uni work, i was i drank a few cups of coffee and about 3 energy drinks. Man did i suffer, I was shaking and for pretty much the whole next day i felt like rubbish and got less work done than if i had gotten a good nights sleep.