View Full Version : Brain Tumour

23-07-11, 18:51
I think i have a brain tumour or some kind of tumour in my head or bleed to the brain.

- Ive been getting extremely sharp pains in my head.
- Forgetfullness (REALLY bad lately, like short term memory)
- Trouble with vision.
- Extremely dizzy all the time.
- Wierd tastes in mouth.
- Itchy ears.
- Large lump on ear (which could mean bleed to the brain or could mean a tumour on my ear.
- Head pressure.
- Feeling like i can hardly move my arms and hands.
- Wierd brown coloured patches coming up on my skin, (doesn't look like birth marks and they just seem to appear).
- Headaches behind eyes.
- Dents in head, some are very deep and squashy and some are very large and round.
- Weaping eyes.
- Weaping ears.

Not sure what to do, My grandma died of a brain tumour, and i watched her deteriate.. Was horrible to see, but she got so forgetful and couldn't see or eat or anything. So sad :(

All these symptoms have been around for a while, but have got EXTREMELY bad within the past week.. Any help ? Thankyou x

23-07-11, 22:20
Hi, i really think you just need to ingnore it all. youd be much worse if u had cancer.

24-07-11, 08:25
all those things can be caused by anixety and tension do you practice any relaxation? it might help even if you just have ten minutes with out panicing x

macc noodle
24-07-11, 09:11

It is very sad that your gran died from a brain tumour but they are not generally genetically linked cancers.

Sadly, you are suffering badly from panic attacks which are causing all these horrible physical symptoms and this is what you need help with. To reduce the effects of the panic, you need to understand the cause and acquire strategies to cope with the feelings so that they do not engulf you and you manage the panic rather than the panic managing you!

See your doc and ask for help so that you can get it under control.


24-07-11, 12:32
I agree with Macc Duke, your anxiety has control of you at the moment. You are young and healthy. I also think you should speak to your doc to get it under control :) xx big hugs xx