View Full Version : rip amy winehouse

23-07-11, 18:59
poor amy was found in her house today dead
where was all the people who was liveing off her to help her
she was one of the best singers ever what a waste
i hope who started her on drugs lives a long life and suffers
rip amy god bless

23-07-11, 19:02
Very very sad. May she rest in peace and strength to her family.

23-07-11, 19:13
OMG ..How terribly tragic .:weep:.What a waste of such an incredibly talented young woman .May she rest in peace now .My heart goes out to her family at this dreadful news .RIP Amy .Luv Sue x

23-07-11, 19:15
very very sad to hear this .

an addiction is so hard to cure :weep:......her family must be devastated.
you can have all the money in the world .....but that evil grip destroys .
awful that such a young promising life has gone .

23-07-11, 21:03
Such a shame! taken too soon! RIP Amy! xxx

23-07-11, 22:19
No once forced her to take drugs, an addict has to accept full responsibility for their addiction. no one chooses to be an addict, people get addicted to all kinds of things, drugs, alcohol, food and so on.
ya drugs dealers are bad but what about tobacco companies ? to me they are the same thing.
Being an addict doesn't make you a bad person but it can destroy your life and the lives of everyone around you.

23-07-11, 22:22
Very sad, and so young. Hope she is at peace now.

23-07-11, 23:25
What an utter waste of a life and enormous talent. One of my favourite artists ... so so sad...

23-07-11, 23:43
Its a shame she couldnt have been helped. Such a talented person with close family yet no one could save her. So sad

23-07-11, 23:46
RIP Amy Winehouse.

23-07-11, 23:55
Anyone dying so young is sad, but she chose to live that lifestyle, and was intelligent enough to know what the consequences might be... surely we all have to take personal responsibility for our actions?

24-07-11, 01:04

This is one of my favourite songs of hers ...There are some lovely tributes to her on the page .God Bless xSue

24-07-11, 01:05
no one chooses to be an addict, but they can choose to get help and treatment.
I guess because she is famous people do form a connection with her and there for are saddened by her sudden passing.

24-07-11, 01:09
I am going to be honest here and say that I don't like the woman and I do not like her music but no-one deserves to die that young. She was very troubled and I feel for her family at this time.

She had problems like a lot of people and in the end it was just too much for her.

24-07-11, 01:12
She tried several times ..Sadly as often it is ,it was futile .Nature of the beast ..Shes now paid the ultimate price .Nothing more to say really is there .? Like so manywho have died the same way her music will go on .She should be remembered for that ..Sue

macc noodle
24-07-11, 09:07
A talented young woman, who may not have been to everyone's musical taste, but a talent all the same.

RIP Amy - now your demons are vanquished and you can be at peace xxxx

Addiction is a dreadful disease and sometimes no matter how hard you try you cannot conquer, and loved ones who try to help cannot reach you.

24-07-11, 11:51
I still can't beleive it, it doesn't seem natural for someone so fll of life to be gone.
But lets not forget the 92 people who got murdered in Norway on the same day...

24-07-11, 15:04
She was one of my favourite artists. She brought something completely new but retro and unique to the bland, colourless, electronically churned out music industry. I could also relate to a lot of the things she wrote and sang about, with such honesty which she poured into her music.

Her talent IMO is undeniable.

If you watch videos of her in 2006/2007 before the b****rd drugs took control she looked healthy, full of life and you could see she had a real passion for her music.

Yes, she did indeed choose to go down that route, but the UTTER SCUMBAGS AND LEECHING HANGERS-ON that surround music stars with their coke and such like readily available lead vulnerable people like her who clearly have issues into that lifestyle, and think nothing of it.

I feel more anger than sadness that a natural born talent like she was has been lost.

R.I.P. Amy.xxx:weep:

24-07-11, 17:15
So so sad.


24-07-11, 17:30
so so sad!

24-07-11, 20:17
So sad to hear, RIP Amy xxx

24-07-11, 20:22
Just because she was an addict, doesn't mean she was a bad person.

RIP Amy :weep:


Vanilla Sky
24-07-11, 23:37

26-07-11, 08:42
It's so sad-she was so young yet very troubled. As someone else on here said people turn to all sorts of things to ease/escape from anxiety etc I can totally relate to why people turn to things to help when you feel so bad.
I personally believe money can't buy happiness, but this is such a sad loss of someone so young & talented. My heart goes out to her family & friends. RIP Amy x