View Full Version : My story - How i beat my many Anxiety Disorders

23-07-11, 19:31
Hello All,

I have never made a post on this forum before, As like most of you reading this you would not have come accross many stories of hope and encouragement. The internet is filled with people searching for answers and seeking help but hardly any recovery or so called "success stories" I should know, i was not long ago like yourself. This is because when people are able to function normaly again and Anxiety disorders are no longer a big part of there life they tend to forget about the 1000's of you looking for a beacon of hope and the strength to achieve the same results.

I made a promise to myself that WHEN i get better i would not be one of them people and will share my experience, And here i am today to tell you it can be done and my story and how i did it. Firstly a little bit about myself, I am 24 year old male and was able to overcome Generalised Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder, Insomnia, Agoraphobia, Health Anxiety (Hypochondra) and Depression without medication, self help books and methods or anxiety diets. Now this is a long post but i can not sum up everything in a few sentances and definately think this could benefit you otherwise i would not have taken the time to write it and please ignore the bad grammer and spelling lol

My Story

I was just a normal everday guy, I had a good job, A nice Apartment, Beautiful Fiancee and some good friends. Life was good i had a few small financial problems and stress at work but other than that i was KING OF THE WORLD!!!... One day on the way to work no different to any other day i started to have slight chest pains, theen felt dizzy sick and my legs was shaking. i Stood by the door wishing the train would stop so i could get off. I called my fiancee terrified, tried to have some water and food encase it was that wondering what the hell is happening to me!.. I didnt know then but it was my first panic attack ofcourse i went straight to the emergency room fearing the worst. Doctors checked my heart and blood, BP all the usual stuff with no conclusion i was told to rest and take the rest of the day off. I went home felt exhausted and slightly strange but other than that was OK. Few days later i felt the same again. Again straight to the Emergency room and again happened on the train. Again all the tests normal but this time the doctor mentioned for the first time Panic attack and Anxiety "What the hell is that ?" I continued to work and live normaly althou had extremely high anxiety especially when traveling on the train, the dreaded place this all started. Soon it become high anxiety and panic everytime i was on the train. Then it followed me at work. then Home and very quickly i was constantly feeling anxiety and panic. I could no longer work, Go to the shops or even take a walk without the symptoms and sensations hitting me all within a few weeks. Infact the symptoms never stoped!!! .. constant 24/7 Dizziness, lightheaded, feeling sick, Sensitive to light. I went to the GP and he told me i need to take Anti depressents and would not see results unless i took the medication. I did not want to take the medication and refused hes diagnoses as Generalised Anxiety and Panic Disorder. HOW COULD MY MIND CAUSE ME TO FEEL THESE SYMPTOMS ALL THE TIME! was my point of view. After tests and doctors opinions with no other diagnosis other than Anxiety and Panic, i started to convince myself and search online what i thought i actually had (Hypochondria, HA). I come up with Brain Tumour, MS as my main concerns, for some reason these were far more believable than an Anxiety Disorder!. After months of Panic Attacks, Anxiety, Googling, Research i was in a complete and utter mess. I could no longer sleep, Eat, think straight, work, leave the home i was merely an empty shell convinced there was no way out and hopelessness. I hit rock bottom, this carried on for a few more weeks with no improvement but then again i wasnt getting worse just stuck in a horrible mess. This is when depression set in. I truely wanted to give up and even begged my Fiancee to let me end it all. I saw my mum in my head it was for the last time as i did not want to carry on living like this, Funny enough it was my 24th Birthday when opening my birthday cards struggling to read the words i looked at my mothers pendent around her neck which i baught her a few years back at christmas. In her pendant was photo's of my nan who passed away a few years before. This was the pendant she keept close to her of old beloved relatives who have passed. I broke down in tears and then i had something to FIGHT for, NO I WILL NOT BE ONE OF THE PHOTOS IN HER PENDANT, I WILL FIGHT THIS. This powerful moment allowed me to dig very deep and find motivation and strength i never knew existsed. This was the moment when everything started to change. My first thought was that Anxiety has taken everything away from me i was just a shadow of my former self, i really had nothing to lose anymore but everything to gain.

How i beat Anxiety Purely with the power of the mind and extremely powerful logical thoughts. Thoughts that can not be argued or disagreed with. Thoughts that completely change you prospective on everything!. I started to tackle my health anxiety and genuinely started to debate with myself ok lets pretend i do have a brain tumour or MS, Yes this would explain some of the symptoms im experiencing and yes actually it is possible as i have not had an MRI or CAT SCAN and Yes i could have a heart problem and again althou extremely unlikely its possible i could have a heart attack. But these illness altou terrible and can have many symptoms. They do not actually cause anxiety, panic, irrational thoughts or change your behaviours such as checking my pulse every 10 seconds. This is my mind, maybe not the symptoms but these parts i can control in time. I then thought OK, if i did have a terminal illness will my last years on earth be living in fear and depression ?! NO IT WILL NOT!!.. constant worry and irational thoughts does not change the outcome of any event. It doesnt matter how much you think or worry if you ws going to be hit by a car tommorow you will..... and for some reason that comforts me. The world and potential illness and desease are not in my control so why worry ? how about i worry about what i DO actually have control over... my behaviours and my thinking pattern when i feel anxiety and panic. I stoped myself googling my symptoms and checking my pulse and instead started to focus on my anxiety and panic and agoraphobia instead of major health issues as no longer my concern as i genuinely wasnt affraid anymore, ofcourse i do not want to die, but id rather die living. than be living to die.

I then needed to start tackling my anxiety and panic. Firstly i just accepted my anxiety and panic for exactly what it is. the bodies natural response to protect me from danger. Althou awful my body is working perfectly fine infact i do not have a Disorder as the doctors labelled me, A Disorder is suggesting i am ill or my body is not functioning correctly which is not the case. Infact my body is working perfectly just right emotion at the wrong time. So why is my brain triggering these emtions. I then had an amazing moment.... OK... whats different from me now and the me of 1 year ago ???? . Before when i walked to the supermarket or to work i just left the house didnt think about it at all, But now when i leave the house or wake up in the morning my mind is constantly filled with thoughts of , What if its bad today??, Will i have panic attacks??? am i going to be able to get thru today?. my god thats it!!!, Thats my answer then again another breakthrough!!. What is anxiety ??? Anxiety shares its symptoms, sensations and chemicals as another emotion, Excitement! Excitement is not knowing the outcome
but predict and forsee good will happen. Anxiety is not knowing the outcome but predict and forsee bad will happen!. Wow the answer seems so simple now, But ofcourse turning off your automatic negative thoughts and worry is very hard. Even during the moments when i felt ok. I could not stop thinking about anxiety. After a while of trying not to worry about it and carry on at home doing chores and cooking, i got better at controlling these thoughts . ofcourse i had good, days and bad days. I was only thinking about anxiety and my symptoms about 8 hours a day rather than 20 hours a day. Then some improvement!!. I got my sleep back, no longer did i wake up in the night in blind panic or lay there for hours starring at a blank wall. I started to dream again and the strange feelings at night and in the mornings was gone!!. I still had panic and anxiety during the day and the chronic dizziness and nausa etc etc. But HEY!!! some improvement!!!! i could now sleep. for 8 hours a day i was a normal person. After a few weeks of beautiful sleep i no longer had anxiety in the mornings or before bed. Infact i looked forward to mornings and bedtime as this was the only break i had from these terrible symptoms.

Gettig my sleep back althou a small improvement! Hey it was AN improvement! Which means i have taken my first step to getting better.. Wow this motivated me so much and i smiled and even cried with happiness. It also showed to me that i can do it and what im doing is actually working!!. Things started to get better very fast from here. One day my chronic dizziness and headaches nausia, started to fade SLOWLY. my nausia turned into butterflies in the stomach, My dizziness turned slightly off balance feelings. and my headaches were now more dull. I still did not leave the home but i was able to function at home, i wasnt full of energy but i was able to achieve some house chores like washing and cooking without much fuss. I started to get brave, i started to not constantly check food labels for dates / ingrediants and checking evey single meal for any inperfections as before i would not eat otherwise. I then decided to enjoy a beer and coffee again. Instead of worry and fear that it will send me into a panic which ofcourse it didnt Infact it did the opposite it gave me comfort and pleasent feelings. Anxiety and panic attacks was only ruining half my day, but i was able to enjoy a film again, Play games and at least have a few moments peace!.

My next step was Agoraphobia. to go outside was now the next dream for me. I set myself daily goals on my calender that day 1 i will walk to the lampost at the end of my street and then walk back home. I remember the panic and anxiety and thoughts racing thru my mind when i was putting on my shoes and opening the door to leave. It was terrible i had some control of my anxiety at home but not outside. After a few days of trying this i felt exhausted and tired it really knocked me out!! walking to the lampost at the end of my street was like running the marathon not so much physically but the mind. Id often need an hours nap after just to get over the feelings. Remember feeling like i was going to pass out and be sick and my heart rate was thru the roof!. I sat on my bed and again another important breakthrough.. Ok the outside causes me again to have all these symptoms and feelings but at home im sort of OK? Wow i really do have An anxiety and panic problem. As if you think about it there is no physical different between walking outside or walking around your home. Not physical but psychological so wow i really do have a phobia and fears. This is the moment i 100% without doubt knew that my problems was in my mind rather than my body. So OK other than my anxiety disorders, i have developed a fear of the outside world. How do i tackle this? I then read about phobias and fears rather than anxiety and panic disorders and found the answers. what stuck with me is that someone terrified of heights skydiving would be the most terrifying experience, as with my phobia the supermarket is a terryfyin experience. But people who are scared of heights if forced to do a few air jumps slowly fear it less and less and soon in time actually enjoy it and take it as a hobby. So i put it into practise i forced myself to keep going out and reminded myself constantly each tme like the skydiver it will slowly get less of a scary experience. Each day i set new goals and yes ofcourse it worked slowly the lampost at the end of the street was too easy and i pushed the bondaries over weeks untill i hit the supermarket. Each time i pushed the boundaries the anxiety and panic and symptoms returned just as powerful as before. But slowly over weeks i started to be able to go outside and do the shopping. I didnt enjoy it and felt very rough but HEY I WAS DOING IT!!!.

My Chronic symptoms like dizziness, off balance, feeling like i was going to pass out continued thru all this process to disapear. Some days outside and inside was completely gone and only returned for a few hours a day rather than the most part. One weeks in the supermarket i started to feel very bad started to panic and the thoughts returned QUICK NEED TO LEAVE!!! popped into my head. My Fiancee said we can go home if you want and i made a very strange decision. i Decided not to run away and avoid the siutation but to stay and finish the shoppping. i felt rough but i pushed on and achieved everything i wanted too. Now my recovery was so fast and each day i was feeling improvement and better, i soon had days when i felt NO anxiety or worrying thoughts!!!. Soon it become only 2\3 days a week. Eventually its just a few hours a week. Infact i started to feel so normal and my old self again that it kinda scared me. Anxiety and panic become so normal that feeling like everyone else become strange and even lead to a few panicy episodes. I broke the cycle i no longer wake up thinking about anxiety or worrying will going to the shops kill me. I stil havent beat anxiety 100% i still get slight anxious episodes but i havent had a panic attack in months and i am now functioning and enjoying life like anyother person again. When i tackled the actually phobias and causes of my anxiety and panic, (Health and the outside) the anxiety and panic disapeared.

I have so much more to say but my fingers hurt, i just hope this helps people and makes an interesting read. Beating anxiety, depression, Phobias is not easy, But its very possible. Remember may sound harsh but you thought yourself into this mess you can think yourself out. Just dont give up and keep thinking of all the positives and achievements you make and not the set backs and bad days.

Kind Regards,

23-07-11, 21:35
Very inspirational and provides us all hope. Having that trigger to press on (your mom's pendant) was pivotal for you. Many times I hear how that one thing just made them snap to attention and get on with recovery.

Can I ask how long it took for you to get to place you are now?

23-07-11, 21:38
it took 2 months from my 24th birthday, 2 months to go from suicidal thoughts and hopelessness to a full recovery.

23-07-11, 23:18
Well done. That is terrific motivation for all of us. Well done you. Truly awesome.

25-07-11, 15:58
Thank you so much for sharing that with us.
That's really helped me look towards the future, & not let anxiety & panic dictate to me what I should be doing with my life.

Thank you!!! xxx

25-07-11, 16:44
I cant believe it, you and one other non panic members stories, sound as if I've written every word myself. The analysis of health you've put in and rational reasoning, the bit about standing your ground in the supermarket to finish your shopping and the tasks you set yourself , like walking to the lampposts , honestly it sounds like I've written this story.

The start of your anxiety also sounds like my experience, I was always the one to see the lighter side of life, happy go lucky, loud and the life and soul of the party, then like in a fairy tale manner, my life suddenly changed. I did and have endured, dare I say, more than most in terms of trouble, turmoil and a great deal of constant stress, but still it just changed dramatically! Unbelievable! Read my first reply in search - fear of fainting, if u wish.
And the bit you say - a shell of your former self, I completely understand, same hear!

Good 2 know your on the right track, happy for you & anyone else whose experienced this, and has managed to get over it because, it's like a living hell.

Thankyou for sharing your story collette.

02-08-11, 19:15
Fantastic story !U should be really proud. I have very bad dizzines but i also have a lot of ear problems so where i would love to fight the panic i get im not sure whether it is a physical or mental dizziness.

Hazel B
02-08-11, 19:54
Thanks for posting this, I love the Success Stories.

Well done and all the best!

paula lynne
02-08-11, 22:55
I LOVED your post! Ive always been an advocate of how powerful the mind is and youve proved you can beat this thing, Im so happy for you. Thanks for posting! :yahoo:

05-08-11, 16:33
Thank you for this. Like Col I feel as if I could have written this. You've done so well in such a short period of time. I've had anxiety/agoraphobia for 21 years and still haven't kicked it. I've went through years of living a relatively normal life, though didn't venture over an area of 20 miles in either direction. Past couple of weeks it's started to overwhelm other areas of my life again and I feel the boundaries getting smaller and smaller. I'm trying to fight my corner thought and this post gives me hope x

14-08-11, 11:15
Hello all,

Just an update on my story as further encouragement, Anxiety took everything away from me not everything i mentioned in my story, I lost my home, my job, my friends and dwindled further into debt and depression at the height of it all.

As from tommorow i am going back to work. finaly going to get back my financial freedom and save so i can find a new home and start again. Now im not going to lie. I have been feeling quite anxious about returning to work, the traveling the train ride because even thou i consider myself recovered. This is the first time that i have HAVE To be somewhere for 8 hours.. somewhere 2 hours from were i live with no escape. Althou i do not avoid situations or think about anxiety when shopping and walking to the park, but an escape and safety was possible althou i did not choose to to take it. New people, New job, New stress is now my last and final test to prove to the world that it is possible. I will keep posting updates on my story as i return not only anxiety free but as i rebuild everything. Home, Money, Freinds, Social Life, Holidays and ofcourse happiness and final closure that this nightmare has truly ended

Kind Regardsm

14-08-11, 12:10
Well done and best wishes in your new job. It shows us that there is hope and recovery. Feeling a bit nervous at starting a new job is a perfectly normal reaction and is felt by 99.9% of people so that's a good sign. Just take one day at a time.


14-08-11, 20:37
Truly inspirational well done! I am currently coming off meds, keep reminding myself 'Its just a bunch of thoughts' time to get the real me back and this was a real help x

21-08-11, 11:56
Hi, I have just read your story with great interest as I am currently in the grip of a terrible panic and anxiety bout. My main symptom is chronic, severe nausea every day, although it usually fades by the evening, however it is causing my panic.

I have a phobia of throwing up which means I find nausea very difficult to deal with and anti-sickness tablets don't work, I was just wondering how long it took for your nausea to fade and what helped you most?

I am on anti-depressants which are not helping, I'm scared to change meds so I'm thinking about coming off them altogether. Your story was very inspirational to me as I am trying hard to overcome the anxiety and panic, but feeling so ill all the time makes it hard. It is reassuring to know it can be done.

23-08-11, 11:46

Rocklover, I had chronic nausea but for some reason the nausea althou unpleasant was never a big worry for me, for some reason It was the dizziness I obsessed most about. It Is interesting how some people find some symptoms bearable and some symptoms they simply can't cope. For me it was the dizziness, you nausea, others heart worries. Like all my symptoms the nausea faded slowly as i made improvement, I did try to eat as normally as possible and I started to drink the morning type yogurt drinks like actimel and yakult, also milk is good. You understand why you have nausea right ? It's because during anxiety panic and survival mode food digestion is not an important function and is halted by the brain to save energy and blood in the fight or flight response. Your stomach is constantly being switched on and off during the day as it suppose to do. Also I find knowing why and how you are feeling these symptoms automatically makes them less scary

23-08-11, 12:41
Hello sorry I read your post a bit too fast and missed the part you mentioned that you have a phobis of vomiting etamaphobia I'm sure is the medical name or something similar. Phobias are very strang. I had agoraphobia which by definition means I was fearful of public places and the outside. The weirdest thing of all is I simply wasn't afraid of them situations. Doing the shopping, being in a bar or restaurant I never ever feared that. I simply feared the feeling anxiety and panic when I was in that situation and I made a very simple choice. When I was in them situations I felt awful, so I avoided it. It's not stupid crazy or weird why would I want to do something that made me feel bad, why would I eat broccoli if I don't like it?. But need to search deeper unto your fears. Have you ever witnessed or experienced a serious or fatal illness that enticed vomiting, or is it simply that you fear not being in control as vomiting is a bodily function we often can't control due to illness or drinking too much. It may make you anxious but phobias people can hardly ever make sense as to why, another anxiety sufferer had an extreme fear of wetting himself in public. He had nightmares panic attacks and agoraphobia because of it. Now we even laughed together and made fun of he's phobia and he himself consciously knew it was crazy but it did not stop the anxiety and fear. Even thou he never in he's life ever mess himself in public. It was all due to he was too proud and conscious of what people thought of him. He did not like to be embarrassed, He was terrified at the prospect of failure and people looking down on him. After bringing this to he's councillors attention and the bringing up moments in he's life frOm school of bullying and embarrassment. This was simply the answer. Fear of rejection not peeing himself in public. He tackled that and now laughs and doesn't care about this silly phobia.

01-09-11, 16:57
Hello sorry I read your post a bit too fast and missed the part you mentioned that you have a phobis of vomiting etamaphobia I'm sure is the medical name or something similar. Phobias are very strang. I had agoraphobia which by definition means I was fearful of public places and the outside. The weirdest thing of all is I simply wasn't afraid of them situations. Doing the shopping, being in a bar or restaurant I never ever feared that. I simply feared the feeling anxiety and panic when I was in that situation and I made a very simple choice. When I was in them situations I felt awful, so I avoided it. It's not stupid crazy or weird why would I want to do something that made me feel bad, why would I eat broccoli if I don't like it?. But need to search deeper unto your fears. Have you ever witnessed or experienced a serious or fatal illness that enticed vomiting, or is it simply that you fear not being in control as vomiting is a bodily function we often can't control due to illness or drinking too much. It may make you anxious but phobias people can hardly ever make sense as to why, another anxiety sufferer had an extreme fear of wetting himself in public. He had nightmares panic attacks and agoraphobia because of it. Now we even laughed together and made fun of he's phobia and he himself consciously knew it was crazy but it did not stop the anxiety and fear. Even thou he never in he's life ever mess himself in public. It was all due to he was too proud and conscious of what people thought of him. He did not like to be embarrassed, He was terrified at the prospect of failure and people looking down on him. After bringing this to he's councillors attention and the bringing up moments in he's life frOm school of bullying and embarrassment. This was simply the answer. Fear of rejection not peeing himself in public. He tackled that and now laughs and doesn't care about this silly phobia.

Thanks for your reply. I still don't know what it is about throwing up that I'm scared of, I can't work it out at all. Feeling sick all the time is driving me crazy and withdrawing from medication isn't helpng with that.

I am supposed to try a different medication, but actually I am beginning to think medication is just not worth the horrible side effects. If I remember correctly, you recovered without medication, is that right? How did you decide to do that and how tough was it mentally?

02-09-11, 12:19
I did not take medication but when I was at my worst I did come close, I actually arranged an appointment with my doctor to discuss it. It was a 2 week wait and in them 2 weeks was my 24th birthday when everything started to change.

I would never agree or disagree with medication, it's purely between you and your doctor, how can I say would medication achieved the same results and faster, who knows. Medication does work to take the edge off and in some cases is the "miracle cure", and for some it has no effect or causes side effects which are just as hard to live with as anxiety.

Was it mentally tough, Yes. A persons worth is not how they deal with success and happiness but how they deal with failure and fear. These are the cards you have been dealt. You are standing at the bottom of mountain unsure whether you are able to climb it or at least take the first step. You only need to be motivated to take the first step. Once you start seeing improvement and reward for your efforts that is the motivation and effort that will start to flow naturally.

04-09-11, 19:02
I did not take medication but when I was at my worst I did come close, I actually arranged an appointment with my doctor to discuss it. It was a 2 week wait and in them 2 weeks was my 24th birthday when everything started to change.

I would never agree or disagree with medication, it's purely between you and your doctor, how can I say would medication achieved the same results and faster, who knows. Medication does work to take the edge off and in some cases is the "miracle cure", and for some it has no effect or causes side effects which are just as hard to live with as anxiety.

Was it mentally tough, Yes. A persons worth is not how they deal with success and happiness but how they deal with failure and fear. These are the cards you have been dealt. You are standing at the bottom of mountain unsure whether you are able to climb it or at least take the first step. You only need to be motivated to take the first step. Once you start seeing improvement and reward for your efforts that is the motivation and effort that will start to flow naturally.

That is exactly how I feel, like I am at the bottom of a huge mountain and I'm still unsure of which route to take to get to the top. At the moment I am swaying towards the non medication route despite my panic being almost crippling at the moment. Sometimes I don't know how I am going to make it through the next hour, let alone a whole day, but I always seem to make it through somehow.

Today has been dreadful for several reasons, one of which being I had to do a 4 hour drive yesterday which brought me to my knees and so today I have been panicking practically all day as I feel so ill from yesterday's effort. It's times like this when I think I ought to take medication again, but then I think about all the horrendous side effects and think I'd rather do things for myself. The only problem I have is how do I get the strength to cure myself?

The mental health team are very keen to get me on new medication and I didn't question it, but now I am. I want to be better, but I want to get there on my terms and at my pace.

04-09-11, 21:02
Living with anxiety and panic is truly horrific, sometimes just the thought of getting thru the day is too much to bare. You feel as if all your strength is being used just to survive and cope, and you feel there is no energy or motivation to push yourself.

Here is what I believe and know for myself is the miracle cure.

1) cod liver oil tablets
2) 1 a day multivitamins
3) Kalms
4) Rescue Remedy in water sipped during the day, or directly on tongue in episodes
5) Eat and drink as much as possible even if your eating pattern is all over the place
6) cut caffeine ( keep your morning tea or coffee)
7) no alcohol at least until your better
8) if smoke cut down even if it's just a few cigarettes less a day
9) sleep more even if 12 hours, or multiple naps
10) sunlight even on dull days as much as possible even if just in the garden or balcony especially in the mornings.
11) try healthy morning type yogurt drinks
12) 30 mins light exercise daily. Even if just housework make it slightly more physically challenging.
13) talk as much as possible to family and friends.
14) listen to classical music

Now with these efforts you are physically doing everything you can. You WILL feel better fast. I'm not going to get scientific and give long explanations as to why take these steps. Just anyone reading this try it.

Now the most important step to recovery in which requires your mind is and superhuman effort which is 100% without doubt is exactly how you get better. I don't care what you fear is, the outside, trains, supermarkets, crowds, objects whatever is not just to put yourself in that environment. But to stay in that environment until the panic and anxiety passes. Even if it's 10 mins or 8 hours, doesn't matter how long. IT WILL pass, it dies stop and if you do this your fears DO disappear. If you just expose yourself to something get scared and go home, most people get proud and think they did ok. But it's simply not the case it's just to endure it until the point you don't care if you leave and can retreat to your safe place. Now this can be done in steps, I.e if it's trains. You pick a day time or route when it's quiet then work your way up to rush hour. This is the cure my friends if anyone has the strength to do this. And come back and tell me it made you worse, I'll eat my own face.

06-09-11, 19:33
Living with anxiety and panic is truly horrific, sometimes just the thought of getting thru the day is too much to bare. You feel as if all your strength is being used just to survive and cope, and you feel there is no energy or motivation to push yourself.

Here is what I believe and know for myself is the miracle cure.

1) cod liver oil tablets
2) 1 a day multivitamins
3) Kalms
4) Rescue Remedy in water sipped during the day, or directly on tongue in episodes
5) Eat and drink as much as possible even if your eating pattern is all over the place
6) cut caffeine ( keep your morning tea or coffee)
7) no alcohol at least until your better
8) if smoke cut down even if it's just a few cigarettes less a day
9) sleep more even if 12 hours, or multiple naps
10) sunlight even on dull days as much as possible even if just in the garden or balcony especially in the mornings.
11) try healthy morning type yogurt drinks
12) 30 mins light exercise daily. Even if just housework make it slightly more physically challenging.
13) talk as much as possible to family and friends.
14) listen to classical music

Thanks for your reply. At the moment I am doing some of these things, I don't drink, smoke or take drinks with caffiene in. I force myself to eat at regular intervals due to my severe nausea as if I don't eat I feel a hundred times worse.

Sleep is difficult for me as I always wake up at 5/6 am in a panic and feel ill and sick and many times I end up freaking out. At the moment I am taking Temazepam to help me sleep and due to being very anxious and panicky throughout the day (and looking after a baby) I cannot nap at all.

I will get the vitamins and cod liver oil supplements as I know my diet isn't the best at the moment and maybe they will help make me feel healthier in myself.

I know that the hardest thing is to re-train your mind to try and counteract the anxiety and panic and I am doing that at the moment, sometimes I get good results, sometimes bad. Driving 4 hours was a massive challenge for me and it was VERY uncomfortable, in fact I panicked most of the day, but I did it.

I am staying with my partner this week before I move back to my home town next week to be nearer my family as i am extremely homesick and need their support to get me through this. This is obviously extremely stressful for both my partner and i as he will not be coming with me, he has his own anxieties about moving away from his local area (he has never lived anywhere else). He keeps breaking down and is unable to support me at the moment, nor can I support him, we are both too ill. It's a big mess, hence why my panic is at an all time high.

However, my counsellor has forced me to look at issues i have been scared to confront and this is helping me sort my life out and understand why I am so anxious. Being nearer my family is the first step to being happier, but there is still a long road ahead, which will be paved with all sorts of problems that I need to deal with. I know I can get better, but it's such bloody hard work.

06-09-11, 19:48
Indeed its bloody hard work, Try to see it as a gift. I can say this very honestly, that I am glad that I suffered anxiety, panic and depression. It was hell, It cost me my job, my friends, my home almost my life. Without a doubt if I never experianced it I would probaly be ok still living my old life but I would never have achieved or appreciated as much as I will now. I'm so confident and strong now have such an advantage over everyone else. Like I said I went to hell kicked the devils arse and came back.

07-09-11, 19:11
Indeed its bloody hard work, Try to see it as a gift. I can say this very honestly, that I am glad that I suffered anxiety, panic and depression. It was hell, It cost me my job, my friends, my home almost my life. Without a doubt if I never experianced it I would probaly be ok still living my old life but I would never have achieved or appreciated as much as I will now. I'm so confident and strong now have such an advantage over everyone else. Like I said I went to hell kicked the devils arse and came back.

That's the way my counsellor has made me look at things, I have been given an opportunity to really evaluate my life and to understand what is really important to me. I am going to use this awful illness to completely re-build myself and my life so that my children and I can live life to the full and be as happy as possible.

I know that I and other people may get hurt during this process, but that's the unfortunate side effect of being honest with oneself. My journey is just beginning and is making me feel utterly crap at the moment, but I know that, step by step, things will improve. I will need this site for plenty of hand holding I think, but I will weather the storms and come out the other side a better person.

07-09-11, 20:33
I'm glad to hear that, I look forward to hear your progress, feel welcome to pm me and chat if want too, as part of the new me is never to forget and help others get better, hense why I'm still checking forums. I'm even going to volunteer at mind to meet people face 2 face.

When times get hard and we pushed our self to the limit, I'm thankful that I develop anxiety and panic. My grandfather who I never met and many other people's warning sign of too much can be heart attack, stroke etc, we are lucky our defience system is giving us non fatal or serious physical illness warning.

I refuse to believe I am or was mentally I'll and look at disgust who ever labels us with an illness. It's just a temporary state of mind which in time and with a bit of effort we get out of and come back far superior in everyday than we first entered.

11-10-17, 14:15
I know this post is 6 year old but I'm going through exactly the same as you were going through! I keep this post on my phone screen so I can read it again and again to get inspiration! I'm on medication though and I'm going through a bad patch with them! 😯

I Don't Get it!
11-10-17, 15:00
I've only just seen this old thread. I found the OP's first post a bit difficult to read, but I'm glad he posted his success story and I hope lots of people find it inspirational.

When you're in the deepest and darkest place it can be hard to accept that the way out lies within your own thoughts. I couldn't believe that my own thoughts would make me feel so wretched and ill, surely it was unbalanced hormones or brain chemicals or something worse? If you don't believe it can be all your own thoughts consider the following...

I've used several self hypnosis recordings and one of the first ones I used was an old one by Albert Smith in which he explained the physical symptoms of Anxiety in a way I hadn't thought of before. This isn't his exact words, but it's the general gist:

Imagine a roller coaster ride. Two people are queuing for the same ride at the exact same time. One of them is a roller coaster fan, full of excitement at the prospect of riding. One of them hates and fears roller coasters and is only going on it to please the person he's with.

Both of them have butterflies in the stomach, pounding hearts, sweaty hands, wobbly legs and racing thoughts - the physical symptoms are the same for both of them.

The roller coaster fan is excited and enjoying his adrenaline bursts - he sees all his physical feelings as sheer excitement. His thoughts are racing with anticipation.

The roller coaster hater feels the same physical feelings as "symptoms". His pounding heart is worrying him as much as the ride, his thoughts are racing with the fears of falling out of the ride or the ride breaking in mid air and plummeting to earth with him on it. The butterflies in his stomach are felt as nausea.

The ride eventually finishes without incident, as most roller coaster rides do. The fan runs back to the start on his wobbly legs to queue up again, the hater staggers off vowing to never go on another roller coaster as long as he lives.

The ride was the same for both. The Adrenaline affects were the same for both. Everything was the same except their thoughts.

This may not apply to everyone, but it certainly did to me. Learning to relax and stop worrying about stuff I couldn't change has improved my life immensely.

08-02-18, 10:03
Thank you for this It is Real and inspiring story You saved my day

11-02-18, 17:07
Hello All,

I have never made a post on this forum before, As like most of you reading this you would not have come accross many stories of hope and encouragement. The internet is filled with people searching for answers and seeking help but hardly any recovery or so called "success stories" I should know, i was not long ago like yourself. This is because when people are able to function normaly again and Anxiety disorders are no longer a big part of there life they tend to forget about the 1000's of you looking for a beacon of hope and the strength to achieve the same results.

I made a promise to myself that WHEN i get better i would not be one of them people and will share my experience, And here i am today to tell you it can be done and my story and how i did it. Firstly a little bit about myself, I am 24 year old male and was able to overcome Generalised Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder, Insomnia, Agoraphobia, Health Anxiety (Hypochondra) and Depression without medication, self help books and methods or anxiety diets. Now this is a long post but i can not sum up everything in a few sentances and definately think this could benefit you otherwise i would not have taken the time to write it and please ignore the bad grammer and spelling lol

My Story

I was just a normal everday guy, I had a good job, A nice Apartment, Beautiful Fiancee and some good friends. Life was good i had a few small financial problems and stress at work but other than that i was KING OF THE WORLD!!!... One day on the way to work no different to any other day i started to have slight chest pains, theen felt dizzy sick and my legs was shaking. i Stood by the door wishing the train would stop so i could get off. I called my fiancee terrified, tried to have some water and food encase it was that wondering what the hell is happening to me!.. I didnt know then but it was my first panic attack ofcourse i went straight to the emergency room fearing the worst. Doctors checked my heart and blood, BP all the usual stuff with no conclusion i was told to rest and take the rest of the day off. I went home felt exhausted and slightly strange but other than that was OK. Few days later i felt the same again. Again straight to the Emergency room and again happened on the train. Again all the tests normal but this time the doctor mentioned for the first time Panic attack and Anxiety "What the hell is that ?" I continued to work and live normaly althou had extremely high anxiety especially when traveling on the train, the dreaded place this all started. Soon it become high anxiety and panic everytime i was on the train. Then it followed me at work. then Home and very quickly i was constantly feeling anxiety and panic. I could no longer work, Go to the shops or even take a walk without the symptoms and sensations hitting me all within a few weeks. Infact the symptoms never stoped!!! .. constant 24/7 Dizziness, lightheaded, feeling sick, Sensitive to light. I went to the GP and he told me i need to take Anti depressents and would not see results unless i took the medication. I did not want to take the medication and refused hes diagnoses as Generalised Anxiety and Panic Disorder. HOW COULD MY MIND CAUSE ME TO FEEL THESE SYMPTOMS ALL THE TIME! was my point of view. After tests and doctors opinions with no other diagnosis other than Anxiety and Panic, i started to convince myself and search online what i thought i actually had (Hypochondria, HA). I come up with Brain Tumour, MS as my main concerns, for some reason these were far more believable than an Anxiety Disorder!. After months of Panic Attacks, Anxiety, Googling, Research i was in a complete and utter mess. I could no longer sleep, Eat, think straight, work, leave the home i was merely an empty shell convinced there was no way out and hopelessness. I hit rock bottom, this carried on for a few more weeks with no improvement but then again i wasnt getting worse just stuck in a horrible mess. This is when depression set in. I truely wanted to give up and even begged my Fiancee to let me end it all. I saw my mum in my head it was for the last time as i did not want to carry on living like this, Funny enough it was my 24th Birthday when opening my birthday cards struggling to read the words i looked at my mothers pendent around her neck which i baught her a few years back at christmas. In her pendant was photo's of my nan who passed away a few years before. This was the pendant she keept close to her of old beloved relatives who have passed. I broke down in tears and then i had something to FIGHT for, NO I WILL NOT BE ONE OF THE PHOTOS IN HER PENDANT, I WILL FIGHT THIS. This powerful moment allowed me to dig very deep and find motivation and strength i never knew existsed. This was the moment when everything started to change. My first thought was that Anxiety has taken everything away from me i was just a shadow of my former self, i really had nothing to lose anymore but everything to gain.

How i beat Anxiety Purely with the power of the mind and extremely powerful logical thoughts. Thoughts that can not be argued or disagreed with. Thoughts that completely change you prospective on everything!. I started to tackle my health anxiety and genuinely started to debate with myself ok lets pretend i do have a brain tumour or MS, Yes this would explain some of the symptoms im experiencing and yes actually it is possible as i have not had an MRI or CAT SCAN and Yes i could have a heart problem and again althou extremely unlikely its possible i could have a heart attack. But these illness altou terrible and can have many symptoms. They do not actually cause anxiety, panic, irrational thoughts or change your behaviours such as checking my pulse every 10 seconds. This is my mind, maybe not the symptoms but these parts i can control in time. I then thought OK, if i did have a terminal illness will my last years on earth be living in fear and depression ?! NO IT WILL NOT!!.. constant worry and irational thoughts does not change the outcome of any event. It doesnt matter how much you think or worry if you ws going to be hit by a car tommorow you will..... and for some reason that comforts me. The world and potential illness and desease are not in my control so why worry ? how about i worry about what i DO actually have control over... my behaviours and my thinking pattern when i feel anxiety and panic. I stoped myself googling my symptoms and checking my pulse and instead started to focus on my anxiety and panic and agoraphobia instead of major health issues as no longer my concern as i genuinely wasnt affraid anymore, ofcourse i do not want to die, but id rather die living. than be living to die.

I then needed to start tackling my anxiety and panic. Firstly i just accepted my anxiety and panic for exactly what it is. the bodies natural response to protect me from danger. Althou awful my body is working perfectly fine infact i do not have a Disorder as the doctors labelled me, A Disorder is suggesting i am ill or my body is not functioning correctly which is not the case. Infact my body is working perfectly just right emotion at the wrong time. So why is my brain triggering these emtions. I then had an amazing moment.... OK... whats different from me now and the me of 1 year ago ???? . Before when i walked to the supermarket or to work i just left the house didnt think about it at all, But now when i leave the house or wake up in the morning my mind is constantly filled with thoughts of , What if its bad today??, Will i have panic attacks??? am i going to be able to get thru today?. my god thats it!!!, Thats my answer then again another breakthrough!!. What is anxiety ??? Anxiety shares its symptoms, sensations and chemicals as another emotion, Excitement! Excitement is not knowing the outcome
but predict and forsee good will happen. Anxiety is not knowing the outcome but predict and forsee bad will happen!. Wow the answer seems so simple now, But ofcourse turning off your automatic negative thoughts and worry is very hard. Even during the moments when i felt ok. I could not stop thinking about anxiety. After a while of trying not to worry about it and carry on at home doing chores and cooking, i got better at controlling these thoughts . ofcourse i had good, days and bad days. I was only thinking about anxiety and my symptoms about 8 hours a day rather than 20 hours a day. Then some improvement!!. I got my sleep back, no longer did i wake up in the night in blind panic or lay there for hours starring at a blank wall. I started to dream again and the strange feelings at night and in the mornings was gone!!. I still had panic and anxiety during the day and the chronic dizziness and nausa etc etc. But HEY!!! some improvement!!!! i could now sleep. for 8 hours a day i was a normal person. After a few weeks of beautiful sleep i no longer had anxiety in the mornings or before bed. Infact i looked forward to mornings and bedtime as this was the only break i had from these terrible symptoms.

Gettig my sleep back althou a small improvement! Hey it was AN improvement! Which means i have taken my first step to getting better.. Wow this motivated me so much and i smiled and even cried with happiness. It also showed to me that i can do it and what im doing is actually working!!. Things started to get better very fast from here. One day my chronic dizziness and headaches nausia, started to fade SLOWLY. my nausia turned into butterflies in the stomach, My dizziness turned slightly off balance feelings. and my headaches were now more dull. I still did not leave the home but i was able to function at home, i wasnt full of energy but i was able to achieve some house chores like washing and cooking without much fuss. I started to get brave, i started to not constantly check food labels for dates / ingrediants and checking evey single meal for any inperfections as before i would not eat otherwise. I then decided to enjoy a beer and coffee again. Instead of worry and fear that it will send me into a panic which ofcourse it didnt Infact it did the opposite it gave me comfort and pleasent feelings. Anxiety and panic attacks was only ruining half my day, but i was able to enjoy a film again, Play games and at least have a few moments peace!.

My next step was Agoraphobia. to go outside was now the next dream for me. I set myself daily goals on my calender that day 1 i will walk to the lampost at the end of my street and then walk back home. I remember the panic and anxiety and thoughts racing thru my mind when i was putting on my shoes and opening the door to leave. It was terrible i had some control of my anxiety at home but not outside. After a few days of trying this i felt exhausted and tired it really knocked me out!! walking to the lampost at the end of my street was like running the marathon not so much physically but the mind. Id often need an hours nap after just to get over the feelings. Remember feeling like i was going to pass out and be sick and my heart rate was thru the roof!. I sat on my bed and again another important breakthrough.. Ok the outside causes me again to have all these symptoms and feelings but at home im sort of OK? Wow i really do have An anxiety and panic problem. As if you think about it there is no physical different between walking outside or walking around your home. Not physical but psychological so wow i really do have a phobia and fears. This is the moment i 100% without doubt knew that my problems was in my mind rather than my body. So OK other than my anxiety disorders, i have developed a fear of the outside world. How do i tackle this? I then read about phobias and fears rather than anxiety and panic disorders and found the answers. what stuck with me is that someone terrified of heights skydiving would be the most terrifying experience, as with my phobia the supermarket is a terryfyin experience. But people who are scared of heights if forced to do a few air jumps slowly fear it less and less and soon in time actually enjoy it and take it as a hobby. So i put it into practise i forced myself to keep going out and reminded myself constantly each tme like the skydiver it will slowly get less of a scary experience. Each day i set new goals and yes ofcourse it worked slowly the lampost at the end of the street was too easy and i pushed the bondaries over weeks untill i hit the supermarket. Each time i pushed the boundaries the anxiety and panic and symptoms returned just as powerful as before. But slowly over weeks i started to be able to go outside and do the shopping. I didnt enjoy it and felt very rough but HEY I WAS DOING IT!!!.

My Chronic symptoms like dizziness, off balance, feeling like i was going to pass out continued thru all this process to disapear. Some days outside and inside was completely gone and only returned for a few hours a day rather than the most part. One weeks in the supermarket i started to feel very bad started to panic and the thoughts returned QUICK NEED TO LEAVE!!! popped into my head. My Fiancee said we can go home if you want and i made a very strange decision. i Decided not to run away and avoid the siutation but to stay and finish the shoppping. i felt rough but i pushed on and achieved everything i wanted too. Now my recovery was so fast and each day i was feeling improvement and better, i soon had days when i felt NO anxiety or worrying thoughts!!!. Soon it become only 2\3 days a week. Eventually its just a few hours a week. Infact i started to feel so normal and my old self again that it kinda scared me. Anxiety and panic become so normal that feeling like everyone else become strange and even lead to a few panicy episodes. I broke the cycle i no longer wake up thinking about anxiety or worrying will going to the shops kill me. I stil havent beat anxiety 100% i still get slight anxious episodes but i havent had a panic attack in months and i am now functioning and enjoying life like anyother person again. When i tackled the actually phobias and causes of my anxiety and panic, (Health and the outside) the anxiety and panic disapeared.

I have so much more to say but my fingers hurt, i just hope this helps people and makes an interesting read. Beating anxiety, depression, Phobias is not easy, But its very possible. Remember may sound harsh but you thought yourself into this mess you can think yourself out. Just dont give up and keep thinking of all the positives and achievements you make and not the set backs and bad days.

Kind Regards,So glad I read this . Thank you ! Sounds like I wrote it myself! It's all in the mind! Change up the thoughts when the thoughts creep in .
Thanks for giving me hope !

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