View Full Version : Waking in the night in full blown panic attacks!

23-07-11, 22:46
Hi all

I wake in the night always about a hour after falling sleep in a full blown panic attack. I literally jump from the bed screaming running etc they are scary. I do t no what I'm saying or doing in them. Thur I tried to smash my door to get out of houseblast night my hubby said I threw a pillow and broke my light. I'm scared if them. Now. Are they night terrors? Any one else have them

Veronica H
24-07-11, 01:58
:bighug1:that must be really unsettling for you and for hubby. I think you should see your GP and work through what is causing this...maybe it is a certain medication for instance. I know when I was taking propranalol I was told by the GP to take it a few hours before bedtime as it could increase the chance of nightmares. XV

24-07-11, 02:15
Sending hugs and healing thoughts your way.

Set up an appointment with your GP especially if you can't remember what happens during these moments you really need to find out what is going on.

24-07-11, 12:47
Hi I went to my gp last time and got no response. Didn't have one last night I cut caffuene out last night and felt more relaxed. Also slept other side if my bed so hubby would wMe and cat h before I rsn out of room for feR of not knowing. If it happens again will go again. Start Cbt soon so that should help x

24-07-11, 13:47
Hi. Mine never get that bad but I do wake up suddenly in the nights and my heart is racing and have palpitations. I often feel "not with it" and have sometimes started a conversation with my hubby talking "gibberish" apparently!! It's so scary because I kind of know wat I'm doing but don't! And I always remember in the morning then it plays on my mind! Ur not alone in this. Talk to ur gp. Good luck x

24-07-11, 20:29
i had this realy bad once i ripped the bedroom door of its hinges lol i was staying at my mates as well his mam and dad came runing into the room and my mate . talk about embarissment. im not that bad now days but i have lots of nightmares i see things and i just jump around trying to get away .my wife tells me to go back to sleep . iv had these over 20 yrs now. i get them worce if my wifes not in bed with me .

24-07-11, 20:52
ive woken in the night in a full blown panic, awful, when i told my doctor he said its a true panic attack when it wakes you, but im not so sure thats true as something your dreaming about has to of caused it, thats how i see it anyway, hope you get a better night tonight, cutting down caffiene before bed is always a good idea, try some warm milk and reading a relaxing book

Emms x

24-07-11, 21:27
Hi thank u all. Weeble 40 yes I wonder If dreams are something to do with it as mine happen when I've had bad few days or she I have too much on my mind x they are scary cos ur asleep mins happen in the part just as I'm going into a deep sleep