View Full Version : Symptoms,symptoms,symptoms Why?

24-07-11, 06:24
Does it even do any good to list symptoms here???? Im freaking out here wondering why im falling apart all at once? If I was going to the doctor today I know they would think I was anxious, which I am but the many symptoms,they wouldnt know where to start.

At the momnet,my eaes are ringing like crazy,my neck is hurting in the back,my tailbone is twitching through my groin and my right foot is twitching too.My left foot is cramping and my right and left jaw feels like its being crushed as under the front of my neck hurts as well as the back. Im worried that the head.and neck pains are tumor or anyurism . The jumping in my tailbone and foot MS .

Then there is the ever present sharp needle pain in my right chest close to my nipple. I have had all of this all day making me feel nervous then twice I ate today my heart has skipped like crazy after eating. I just dont understand why its all happening at once? Its really depressing to me and making me worry if I will ever feel good again. Im really stressed out here and was in hopes of posting here to try to feel better.

Could you list your current symptoms in hope that It might not make me feel so alone.Please?

24-07-11, 07:16
I think we all have a list of symptoms as long as yours. They are ALL caused by anxiety. If you had a serious illness you would know about it and not have to wonder what was causing it all. Remember that most cases of MS or brain tumour or aneurisym are diagnosed very quickly. You don't have any of these things. Direct your attention to overcoming your anxiety instead of your symptoms and I promise you will begin to feel better.
Feel better soon

25-07-11, 00:03
Thanks guys for all the replies,its always nice to have others tell you that they feel the same.

25-07-11, 01:09
again only a doctor can diagnose you!
But you don't appear to be ill in the medical sense : ) you can still get up in the morning and walk, eat, shower, every day things, your not in extreme pain etc..

I'll list of my symptoms for you, I need my wisdom teeth out ASAP but the health service keeps messing me about, so for 8 months now I have jaw pain, also have TMJ
tense muscles in my jaw and face, often to the point half my face feels weak, tight, frozen,
, my lips twitch a lot, my head,jaw,face, neck gets really tight all down one side, it makes my head feel like it will pop, I have swollen glands and bumps all over my neck, half the time it feels as if something is squeezing my throat, Sometimes I really think I'm going die before any one helps me ,
i have painful swollen glands inside my ears, they also get very hot, my ears ring as well as block up,makes whooshing sounds and makes me dizzy,
I often feel weak, faint and got no energy,
it's hard to enjoy things with all these symptoms,
I spend half the day in bed yesterday, because i was up all night with the pressure and tension in my head, face and neck,
my jaw is so tight, it's pulling it's self back, i now can only talk very softly because it hurts to move my jaw, eating is hard too,
I've so many symptoms, i just end up telling people my teeth hurt and I'm going to bed.
These symptoms are caused by my wisdom teeth and TMJ yet the health service is so insanely slow , I have to see another specialist in 2 months.
I'm getting a 2nd opinion next week.

I think a lot of your symptoms are caused by tension, anxiety and aging. But I totally get how it depresses you and it feels like no ones cares, I don't really post about my teeth issues anymore because no one here can really help,
I too get that sharp pain in my chest that leads to the nipple, not sure what causes it but it doesn't seem to be related to my hormones, it's like someone poking me with a sharp needle. it's only ever on the left side, I'll probably get worked up about that some stage ;)

As for the eating, well I've seen many a post about it but now I am getting bad heart palps when I eat , I get the hard tumps and the flutters that take your breath away, then my heart races for ages,
also the digestion started! really bad chest pain, gripping, my chest and ribs,
also I started to get odd wind pains, like a sharp pain all up my bum and into my tummy, I mean really bad, I have to lye down and breath through it!

Also have really bad acid , must get something for that,

my favorite time still is that half asleep curled up in bed relaxed , falling back to sleep part of the morning, which makes it so hard for me to get up!
The longer I am awake the more symptoms I get and the worse I feel.

also my legs keep falling asleep, it's so annoying, my whole leg can go numb so when I get up to walk I sorta have to hop!

My mum always suffered from cramps, she sometimes gets up screaming in the middle of the night trying to walk of a foot cramp.

25-07-11, 01:33
Thank you Mishel. I can always count on you and so sorry you are having so many problems hun. I hope you feel better,and yes I should go to the doctor but the thought of it terrifies me so much. When I start thinking of going I get a panic attack from just the thought so I suppose I must weigh the risk with the terror of going and take a chance either way and hooe things re not too serious,like many people do on here.

25-07-11, 22:28
Tingling in legs, sometimes in arms.
Stiff neck.
Funny dizzy feeling when I close my eyes.
Butterfly feeling in tummy.
Feel quite sluggish.
Feeling of dread.

I'm surprised there aren't more - today is obviously a good day! :)