View Full Version : Down to 10mg and ready to come off

24-07-11, 10:31
Hi there,

I began 20mg last summer (a year ago already!) with lots of trepidation and worry at the time, but so glad I did! The turnaround was almost immediate in terms of mood. As for more practical matters, well, they have taken a bit longer... but I'm getting there. :)

With doc's agreement, reduced to 10mg in March, after 9 months of 20mg. It's now been 12 months, I feel absolutely fine, so going to start the journey off. Going to keep this post updated for a few weeks to keep track of how I'm doing.

Best of luck to everyone in the same boat!


25-07-11, 14:07
Well, I opened a new box of 10mg cit this morning and took one. Plan to skip one tomorrow.

When I went from 20mg to 10mg (in one step) back in March, I did notice a difference. I became angrier much quicker and operated on a very short fuse for about two weeks. I just didn't pull any punches (as my poor dad will testify!). I also suffered a terrible low dip after returning from housesitting for my sister. I have a small flat and she has a mid-terrace house with a small black cat (and husband!) and I enjoyed pottering around, cleaning and looking after the cat. When I returned to my "box" I felt very low indeed. :weep:

However, on the plus side, my libido has begun to creep back... slowly. I occasionally feel... well, ya know! :blush: And that's a good thing - considering lack of libido was my biggest gripe with citalopram. With or without a partner, one likes to feel sexy, doesn't one? :winks:

I've occasionally missed a tablet during these past weeks so I don't expect to feel any different at the end of tomorrow, as it appears to make no difference. Fingers crossed. On such a low dose I could probably go gold turkey but I'm not going to, just in case! Besides, I'd rather follow doc's orders on this one.

Best of luck to all coming off the cit!


25-07-11, 16:36
I am not a Dr., but i think you can stop it completely from 10mg to 0 (like you say "cold turkey"). I have been there in the past- taking 20mg for an year or so, then reducing the dose to 10mg for about a month and then just stopping it. Well, depends on the person, but i don't recall any side effects, even when i went cold turkey from 20mg once:D That's just my opinion based on my experience with citalopram (taken 4 times in the last 8-9 years)...

25-07-11, 23:37
I am not a Dr., but i think you can stop it completely from 10mg to 0 (like you say "cold turkey"). I have been there in the past- taking 20mg for an year or so, then reducing the dose to 10mg for about a month and then just stopping it. Well, depends on the person, but i don't recall any side effects, even when i went cold turkey from 20mg once:D That's just my opinion based on my experience with citalopram (taken 4 times in the last 8-9 years)...Thanks no_name, I was tempted to just stop taking them but didn't think it was fair to my doc who has been so good. It would feel like falling at the final hurdle if you know what I mean! Glad to hear you didn't have any side effects coming off - and when you needed it again I guess you knew what to expect. I hope I don't need them again.... *fingers crossed* I hope to stay healthy but you never know with these things. Hopefully I've made enough adjustments in my life and thinking to recognise the signs and nip it in the bud fast!

26-07-11, 08:00
Yeah, i've been lucky having no side effects when stopping the medicine. Unfortunately i had to start them again after some time as my condition is recurring. Hope yours isn't, that's a baad thing:weep:

27-07-11, 21:22
Yeah, i've been lucky having no side effects when stopping the medicine. Unfortunately i had to start them again after some time as my condition is recurring. Hope yours isn't, that's a baad thing:weep:Agreed.... I've had some bouts of depression in the past but this is the first time I've taken antidepressants and hopefully the last!! (fingers crossed)

Skipped one yesterday, took one today. No probs so far - in fact, feeling pretty good and positive! :)