View Full Version : googling again

24-07-11, 12:26
after posting yesterday i was so detemined to try and feel better....but today i got upand felt really bad...im so convinced that this time this is it...there is not a part of my body not aching im so terrified and am barely functioning. and of course have turned to googling! i know its bad but i just cant help it. dont even know why im posting because i cant even speak the words of what ithink is wrong.....sorry im rambling.....just need some help x

24-07-11, 12:29

Please read my post "Maybe my story will get you on the road to recovery" on this same page as this. I cant give you any more advice and tips than that.

24-07-11, 12:55
thanks for taking the time to reply...i have already read your post and found it ...very insperational!! and i truly wish with all my heart that i can take some ofit on board...im trying really hard. its just that at this point i feel so bAD that my mind seems close to allthe good stuff and only takes in the bad. god bless and continue to feel well x

24-07-11, 13:00
Try getting off the computer all together. When I Google about body aches I swear I feel more aches than I actually have because I'm concentrating on them. I'm sure you've realised that you feel better (mentally) when you're NOT Googling, so for that reason, try stop. I know it's really hard to do. I haven't Googled about my health for a few weeks now, and I feel tonnes better. I don't even feel like I'm suffering from HA, although I know really it's still there. Instead of Googling you're symptoms, just post them on here instead. :)

24-07-11, 13:07
thanks sophie for replying what you say makes a lot of sense....im going to turn of the computer now and try get myself together and go out. its very hard sometimes but imgoing to make myself do it!!! i think i may have a urine infection which logic tells me is why am feeling bitlousy......but still that bad part ofmy brain niggles away at me and fills me with doubt and fear!! thanks again x

24-07-11, 13:14
everytime i go to google page i type in no more panic and come on here and post your probs DO NOT USE DR GOOGLE! hope you feel better soon x

24-07-11, 13:23
hey the computer can do you good, searching for stories of hope and recovery and looking for tips and advice can be a good thing in moderation. not 8 hours a day... but maybe just an hour a day searhing for positives. Not googling every ache / pain / flutter your body produces,

24-07-11, 13:33
thanks all good to know there are people who care and understand! xx