View Full Version : Headaches are not going away.

24-07-11, 15:43
Hi,im still having daily headaches and im terrified.I had a ct scan on monday and they said it was fine but im still in pain daily and im worried.My anxiety is high and im crying alot..the pain is stabbing pains and i felt earlier like someone was sticking needles in my right eye..i cant go to AE as they are sick of me,so are my gps and family...these headaches are on the fourth week.Just needed to post today as im really scared that something serious is wrong.

25-07-11, 12:24
Hi Sandy,
you poor thing. Please take heart that if you have had a CT scan then there is nothing seriously wrong, it would have shown up on the scan if u had any kind of growth/tumour or if there was a haemorrhage or anything like that. so even though your headaches are painful, please try and be reassured that it's nothing sinister.
i know this doesn't solve the problem them being really unpleasant for you. i have had a headache for 12 days now, and have been told it's "just anxiety". doesn't change the fact that it's very uncomfortable.
have you been taking medication? my doctor told me that some medications including paracetamol, ibuprofen, asprin and codeine can actually CAUSE headache if taken for too long a period of time. so maybe it's that causing them? also withdrawal from caffeine can cause headaches as well as dehydration, tiredness, crying leading to sinus bloackage and yes, as we all know STRESS and ANXIETY are major causes of headaches.
also, have you been to the opticians to get your eyes checked out? something as simple as eye strain can also cause nasty headaches.
at the end of the day, the GP and A&E are there for a reason. If you feel that this is thr worst headache of your life and you can barely open your eyes or walk around, then go back. however, the fact that you are able to concentrate on the computer screen indicates that you are stil able to perfrom basic daily tasks so your headache is not completely debilitating.
try asking friends/family around you what they would do if they had your symptoms.this is a good indicator if a trip to the GP/A&E is appropriate.
i hope some of this has helped. you will be ok hun. your headaches have been continuing for a while, but as yet you are still ok, they haven't harmed you thus far and u woud predicate no harm will come to you from these headaches.
lots of love. stay strong. xx

25-07-11, 12:27
sandy at the moment im having the same thing stabbing pains in the head it really hurts allthough doseing myself up with paracetamol is workign i have actuall found the probly its toothache but with no ache that sounds weird yes but i have a bad tooth and allthough i cant feel it its give my nerve thats connected me the headaches so ever thought of this issue ? as a possibility ?