View Full Version : worried about MS ... please reply

24-07-11, 16:18
sometimes before i go to bed, right before i go to sleep i feel my body vibrating its strange. Also i wore some tight jeans yesterday and now i feel this static feeling on my legs. i get pins and needles sometimes and i feel tired and dizzy sometimes to. im scared and anxious:weep::weep::weep::weep:

24-07-11, 17:33
Hello. I get this too and it causes me a lot of anxiety. I get a sort of wave of tingling that goes up my whole body, particularly when I'm going to sleep. I hate it! I can't offer much advice I'm afraid as I'm still looking for some myself, but I thought it would help you to know you're not alone!

24-07-11, 18:20
thank you very much ... im so worried and so depressed all the time because of this :weep:

24-07-11, 18:25
I know it's supposed to be 'anxiety' that's causing the symptoms but I find that so difficult to understand. why don't I just feel anxious first, then I'd understand the symptoms!

Have you been tested for B12 deficiency? I had bloods done a few weeks ago and the doctor swiftly passed over the fact that I was deficient in B12. He told me it couldn't be that but when I googled B12 deficiencies, it explained all the tingling. Of course, because of my HA, I can't accept that!!!

24-07-11, 18:43
no i haven't worked up the courage to go get blood work done im going to do it sometime next week because i cant take it anymore!! its so hard to explain. i have like static in my legs and i feel my body vibrating before i go to sleep. i did the big mistake of googling and MS came out and i freaked out. it is very hard to except that this is all due to anxiety. :weep:

24-07-11, 18:57
My mam has Ms and trust me there would be alot more other things than just the symptoms your experiencing. I get pins and needles alot and obviously i have thought about it been related to bad things, especially with my mam having MS but i have been told from a young age i havn't got it because my mams MS was triggered from when she was pregnant with my sister...but what im saying is my doctor said that anxiety can cause all kids of strange feelings in your body. Maybe you lie awkwardly?

24-07-11, 19:34
I get horrible symptoms when I start to fall asleep like a feeling as if I have fallen through the bed or a whole body zap/tingle that is horrible just like you describe and its all to do with having an anxious mind. A Dr told me this as he says he gets it as well and has had it all his life and its worse if he gets wound up during the day. I have found that if I get an adrenaline surge any time during the day from say panicking about a health symptom then when I go to bed that night the sensations are million times stronger to the point of my not being able to sleep because of them.

25-07-11, 14:21

26-07-11, 00:29
I get this alot. Check out my post from before and it gets pretty bad. I must be lacking in something as I get all kind of weird twiches and vibration tuning fork sensation as I like to call it.