View Full Version : Saw Psychiactrist today

03-05-06, 14:26
She was brilliant - said I should never have been diagnosed Bipolar last year, as its definitely all anxiety, which I was told I had in 1995 anyway. She was aghast that I had been told by the Indian psychiatrist last year to take anti-psychotic meds, and said dont even bother with Valium, youd be better off with CBT. I said for petes sake, thats what I've been saying for years. She was pleased with my progress, i.e. getting on with my degree, church all the time, asking someone on a date (lol) going out a lot, finding my dad after 30 years etc. So she said she will speak to her manager and ask him if they can refer me for CBT

Oh, and she said all the symptoms I have had, which I have been posting on here for a few months, are perfectly normal for anxiety, and stop worrying its a brain tumour etc.

Anxiety Is Evil

03-05-06, 15:25
Great for you!!!!!!!!!!! So proud of you, and the wonderful progress. Yes, I think CBT is really wonderful!!! Had not even heard of it til I happend in on this great site back earlier last year. Yes, I agree...anxiety is evil...but half of any battle is fully understanding your foe....and with each other's help and lots of research on our own parts, we have complete control of this beast!!! You will win and be strong for the journey!
Love to you! Taf/US[^]