View Full Version : Reassurance needed!

24-07-11, 18:25
Hi all.. i have one question thats bothering me.. .
Have any of u got to the point with ur anxiety/panic attacks.. where u not only find it hard to breathe but actually cant breathe, where u cant even gasp cuz u are frozen with fear, u jus cant even take a breathe in.. ???? pls answer

24-07-11, 19:16
Really noone else has had this??? :( oh no

24-07-11, 19:25
Hi there ... it will be your anxiety causing this, as you know! Easier said than done, but just try and relax - obviously you are breathing otherwise you couldn't have written this! Try and focus on something else, or breathe in something nice like lavender - even try singing - anything at all to take your mind off your breathing and gradually you will begin to calm down. When one of my kids was small they used to breath-hold ie they took a huge intake of breath and just held it until they went blue!!! To begin with I used to panic but was reassured that breathing was an automatic action and they would just let go and breathe normally again - which they did. No need to panic - you will be FINE!!! x

24-07-11, 19:29
:) i had to call the doctor out cause i'd never experianced anything like it before it was so scary, most ppl when they cant breathe they gasp for air, but i couldnt even do that, the doctor came out checked my chest and said it was clear and if i had any serious breathing problems that she would have heard something on my chest, she also checked my blood oxygen lvls and that was normal.. it was just so scary.. and now its like.. damn i feel breathless. is it going to happen again.. i hate this :( ty for replying :) xx

24-07-11, 19:32
If you could read all my threads that i have started and the most ones i have replied to then you would see they are all breathing related.

I actually dont know where to start because i dont want to bore u but my anxiety is purely and simply from my breathing.

I have panic attacks maybe at least 2-3 times a day and they are really bad, and i genuinlly can't breathe, i dont have the symptoms where i hyperventilate and breathe really fast, i struggle to get air in, i try and take a deep breathe and i dont get it and i can only describe it as a feeling of been underwater and holding your breathe, as if you cant get to the surface, or that feeling where you try and stay under longer when you were a kid to see how long you could. Or like a pillow is over your face and your barely getting any air.
I get realllly hot and just literally at the point where i feel lkike im passing out, i go all weak and shaky and i feel the need to call 999. 100% feels like im dying.
And because i experience this daily it scares me so much that i dont dare go out much outside, or certainly not alone, and its caused me to monitor my breathing 24/7 and i walk slowly and do anything i can to prevent myself getting breathless.

But your not alone, and no matter how much i try and take a deep breathe to get air in i cant, its really really scary and the feeling or fear that you feel is unreal, its so confusing.
I have learned to deal with it by thinking well nothing bad happened to me last time, so why should it this time, although i convinced myself i have asthma or something or i find it hard to believe that anxiety causes this, if the doctors believe its anxiety then i cant do much about it. But try and just dab your self with a cool cloth or something when you feel like it, or if you have a partner ask them to rub your shoulders to relax you, it really does help

24-07-11, 19:36
And in reply to the other persons post.. my son used to hold his breathe in temper when he was young, he used to do it to the point where his lips went blue and he went pale and limp type thing, and the doctors also said its harmless and that he cant stop himself breathing as its natural. And also i forgot to say that because you have experienced how you did for the first time then your bount to feel shaken about it and your more than likely expecting something bad to happen, but just be reasured your fine, and listening to your chest would of picked up anything bad if there was, it rules out alot of things!