View Full Version : Has anyone taken any medication for a certain stressful event you've got to do?

24-07-11, 19:39
Hi all,

I was just wondering if anyone has taken any medication or herbal tablets to help calm u down in a certain stressful event? (I use rescue remedy already)

I'm asking because I'm a bridesmaid for my brother in 3 weeks - I'm absolutely terrified!! I'm just picturing myself completely flipping out in the church or refusing to go altogether!
My dress is boned, which is uncomfortable so I'm worried about wearing that an basically just having a huge panic attack!!

I'm not on any meds as I worry about taking them (vomit phobia!) but I wondered if there was something I cud take for one day to take the edge of things?

Any advice before visiting my (unsympathetic) doctor would be great x

24-07-11, 21:00
Years ago I was given Diazepam as I had to get on a plane to go to my cousins wedding. It was 5mg, I took it 20minutes before we were due to board then the plane was delayed by 45 minutes and I feel asleep in the departure lounge! lol luckily I wasnt going alone (no way!) so my aunty woke me up. It did help and on the way back I felt strong enough not to take one. You could ask for a few 2mg tablets and practise with those to see how it effects you as you dont want to me too drowsy. I cant see a 2mg making you drowsy. Might just take the edge off things for you. If you dont find one 2mg helps then you can try taking two (4mg). Let you doctor know its just a one off so you can get through the day. But I do recommed trying the dose first to see how you feel.
As for the dress, you'll still be able to breathe fine, so lots of deep breaths
I was bridesmaid for my other cousins wedding and it was a lovely experience. Enjoy it cos you'll be perfectly safe.

25-07-11, 20:17
Thank you for your reply - iv heard of Diazepam but obv cant have the drowiness side effect because that wouldnt look good, falling asleep during the church service! lol
But i will ask my doctor about the lower dose and try it on a day where iv not got much planned to see how it affects me, thank you

Has anyone else had other meds? xx

eight days a week
25-07-11, 20:24
You can break the 2mg tablets in half, which is how I take them (1mg as I need). You won't fall asleep at such low doses, they just take the edge off things.

But diazepam's not a good habit to get into - I wouldn't recommend coming to rely on them (from experience).

Kalms are very good herbal tablets, and some of the herbal teas are good too. Teas like chamomile are more subtly relaxing - valerian ("nature's diazepam") tea is the one to go for for something a bit stronger. I think Kalms have valerian in them as well.

Good luck!

25-07-11, 21:46
Thank you - it will definately be a one off thing as I just want to get thru the day of the wedding!
I think I defo need to ring my doc tomorrow an get an app!
I never like taking medication because of the side effects but think this is a must as I'm getting so wound up! xx

eight days a week
25-07-11, 21:51
That sounds good fairy!

If I were you I'd get the tablets from the doc's and then try to get through the event with just the natural stuff. If you can't you always know you've got the stronger meds to fall back on :)