View Full Version : Venlafaxine withdrawl symptoms - hypomania normal?

25-07-11, 08:07
I've had a variety of withdrawl symptoms over the past 24 hours. Anxiety, nausea, vertigo like dizziness, stomach pain and a general feeling of unwell to name a few.

This morning however I'm not sure if it's withdrawl or my old mood swings coming to the surface. I have racing thoughts, agitated movements; basically I look like a bee on speed! :doh:

I was just wondering if anyone else had experienced this? Granted I don't mind this symptom as much, it's alot more plesant than everything I mentioned above. I was tempted to see my doctor today and ask for some prozac (I've read alot it helps because it has a longer half life) however now I don't think I'll bother.
I'm still glad I'm off work, I can be quite destructive in this mood as well.
Is this something that will pass soon? And is this euphoric hypomanic state normal? :shrug:

25-07-11, 21:02

I experienced the same thing.

Withdrawal can be very long and I actually had the mood swings for more than 6 months before I had to go back on the medication.

They became less frequent as time went on.