View Full Version : convinced i have a brain tumour :(

25-07-11, 15:47
i know this sounds pathetic, and i know i shouldnt feel this way. but i've had a headache for 12 days now. it's not debilitating, its only mild to moderate pressure/squeezing pain in my head. but i am petrified. im staying off google, but stil i cant seem to beat this. i also am getting lots of floaters in my vision and finding it hard to focus my eyes.
this is a stressful time for me, im trying to write my dissertation, but im just petrified. i have seen the GP who wasnt worried, but that was a week ago now. i just dont understand why the headaches wont go. even when i distract myself it's stil there in the backgroud.
i have stopped taking painkillers for a week now cause i was worried they might be causing it, and ive also cut out caffeine (not that i ever had loads, just one cup of tea a day).
this pain is quite generalised, worse in my temples. i know it sounds like a tension headache but seriously, for 12 days??? i just have trouble believing it's anxiety. i also have quite tense neck and shoulders. i just want someone to tell me that they've had this and that they're ok. also i do suffer from migranes occasionally. but they are much worse than this with aura n stuff. this just feels different.

25-07-11, 15:57

Please read my story under success stories or on this board "Maybe my story will help you on the road to recovery" I have had exactly symptoms and fears as you... IT IS anxiety...

Im alive and no longer feel the symptoms..

25-07-11, 17:24
When I had my first battle with anxiety 3 years ago, my symptoms were mainly head related ansd I had a headache for virtually 3 months. Like yourself they weren't debilitating, but lots of pressure especially between my eyes. I used to hate it and thought it would never go away, but once I was settled on the right anti depressents the headaches went away. Now I am having anohter bout of anxiety its all stomach and abdomen related. I spose all our body parts want to take their turn to scare us lol. So don't worry, once you start getting better your headaches will ease off, and DON'T google :-) xx

25-07-11, 17:59

I know how worried you must be as I went through this myself last year. I had a constant headache for weeks on end and it got so bad I ended up in A&E. They did a CT Scan and bloods and I had to stay in overnight. The next morning I saw a neurologist who looked at my test results (all clear of course) and examined me and said it was a tension headache.

Having heard it from an expert I accepted that was what it was, brought on by my HA. I relaxed about it and within a couple of days it was gone.

So you see, anxiety really CAN cause severe headaches or headaches that last for ages.

I hope this helps
Kerri-anne xx

25-07-11, 19:07
thanks guys, just helps 2 know others have been there. aside from the headache im doing really well. it's just always something isn't it? im the same, usually it's my chest and chest pain. right now my chest is just dandy but now my head is the problem.
thanks again, the reassurance means a lot. xxx
oh and congrats on that fabulous success story, it did help and im so pleased for u.