View Full Version : feelings of cant cope

25-07-11, 18:30
hi guys
does any one get the feeling they have been pushed to the brink when doing something minor . when im working i feel like i cant cope with any more. i get it more at home than work .to day i had to take my fire out .i then found a gas leak i had to repair .but i just felt like i could not take anymore if you know what i mean .its not the work it was a very easy job for me .

25-07-11, 18:39
Oooh yeh i get that feeling the majority of the time. Just when you think something cant get any worse or you cant feel any worse than you do, something happens to proof otherwise. One thing after another.

25-07-11, 18:57

I just walk away and take a deep breath , a long walk and think of some other poor bug ger who is worse off than me , it does work mate , i know where you are comeing from it can be the pits .
My old man is the same and i used to wet myself laughing at him getting worked up over nothing , now i,m the same :ohmy:

Take care mate and try and laugh it off :yesyes:

25-07-11, 19:26
Oh yes, I know that feeling! I quite regularly feel overwhelmed by the simplest of things and unable to cope. Its particularly upsetting when its all over something I do all the time and is really simple. I often find that I feel like this when I'm really tired, I know when I start stressing over the small things that I need rest!

25-07-11, 21:31
thanks for ur replys guys :D