View Full Version : Reflux worries..

25-07-11, 18:59
I've had a rough year so far.. I have a underactive thyroid and my medication was too low for a few months.. This caused a huge amout of anxiety. I started having low period like cramps and left rib pain, dr said it was ibs I had s colonoscopy which was clear, about 2 months ago I developed reflux my dr gave me Nexium.

My main worry is that what if all this time it's been ovarian cancer as I heard reflux can be from this. I'm so scared. Im 28 and had a baby a year ago...

Lele xxx

25-07-11, 21:07
I have never heard of a connection between reflux and ovarian cancer.
I have reflux , which im finding hard to control at the moment, but im sure i have reflux and not cancer.
Please try not to worry about this, easier said then done - i know x

25-07-11, 21:27
hi guys
iv had reflux for awhile now and the docs know when its acid iv been on nexum etc etc till not cleared up though. you can allways ask the doc to have a acid reflux test at ent

25-07-11, 22:03
I have never heard of a connection between reflux and ovarian cancer.
I have reflux , which im finding hard to control at the moment, but im sure i have reflux and not cancer.
Please try not to worry about this, easier said then done - i know x

Me neither....:shrug: