View Full Version : teeth out

25-07-11, 19:23
hiya i have the dentist tomorrow have to have an xray first so scared they will find something seriously wrong with me in the x ray, i know i have to have 2 teeth out tomorrow absoulty petrifried, any suggestions on how to help me relax when im there and has anyone had a tooth out recently does it really hurt you hear all these horrible stories on google :unsure:

25-07-11, 21:03
hi i went to dentist today and expected to have 1 tooth out ,instead i had moulds done and xrays and told to come back in 2 weeks 2 have 3 teeth out ,so im off to my dr for diazepam is there any chance you could get some aswell might help you, and alot of people in chat had brilliant ideas this morning for me take an ipod ,mp3 player, have painkillers b4 going all great ideas and gel aswell b4 u go hope all goes ok for u and pm me if need a chat i know how u feel

26-07-11, 07:01
thanks amanda im actually dreading it i will follow your advice and take my ipod xxxxxxx

26-07-11, 07:34
good luck for today you will be fine ,its worth it in the end let me know how you get on

26-07-11, 15:43
I had a tooth out! It was a big one at the back.
I was absolutely DREADING it but I told them how nervous I was & they were absolutely lovely to me. Told me everything they were doing when they were doing it & I couldn't feel a thing at the time.
I had to eat muller rice for a fe days but I'm fine!
I lived to tell the tale!

Good luck to you xxx

10-08-11, 11:44
A permanent tooth that is knocked out can sometimes be reimplanted. In most cases, only permanent, adult teeth are reimplanted into the mouth. Baby teeth are usually left out.
Immediately contact your dentist when a tooth is broken or knocked out. If you can find the tooth after the accident or injury, bring it with you when you seek medical help.