View Full Version : Do you think that?

25-07-11, 19:29
Health anxiety can be inherited?? My father was always in and out of hospital, anything that turned out to be minor(costipation, been at the hospital more than half a dozen times with that) was major to him, any little twinge he would have us running him up to the hospital !! I know its horrible to say but we were like "Oh here we go again" he was 84 as well, anyway the last time he was like this was when he was taking into hospital for stomache pains (we thought he had constipation again) but unfortunately it was something to do with his kidneys (he was diabetic insulin injections) and passes away a week later. !! I had never stressed about my own health untill a few months later but looking back maybe it was in my genes after all just waiting to rear its ugly head !! Ive now suffered with HA for the last few years now, and do have episodes of extreme symtomps dizzyness, head ache muscular pains etc. My son who is ten is now begining to display a tendencie to panick, little things if he's cut his finger he over exaggerates and thinks he's dying I try not to inflict my "Illness" on to him and I would nt wish this life on anyone !! Anyone else got any theorise as to why only certain people are affected by panick attaks and anxiety issues !! Sorry Ive rambled on!! xx

26-07-11, 01:31
Hi Dusty

I think it's a mixture of nature and nurture with different reasons for different people. We can be born with anxious tendencies, but life experiences can make them better or worse. I believe some people can be totally free of anxiety but after a trauma can then end up suffering badly because of it.

I have children who have never suffered any major traumas and have a good life, yet they are still anxious. It seems to me they have inherited my anxiety to some degree as I have always done my best not to make them aware of my problems while they are growing up. I feel that their personalities were already set and that our genes do have a large influence on who we are, but within those limitations we can still make the best of what we have got. I wouldn't want my kids to go through what I have, but at least I feel I am in a good position to guide them along lifes often difficult journey.

Tyke :unsure:

26-07-11, 01:33
Yes definitely think it runs in the family for me. My mother,my aunts and grandmother.

26-07-11, 05:24
It runs in my family too

26-07-11, 08:07
And me! Both my parents suffer with anxiety & depression, have done for as long as I can remember. My therapist says it's v common to run in families.

26-07-11, 11:21
I think it can be inherited/ run in the family because my sister suffers and my mam does and my mam said that my grandad used to an also my dad said he used to have panic attacks when he was a teen, but he grew out of it (his words not mine).
It maybe different in how it effects each one, like people may be able to cope with it better or have it more bad than others, but when i used to see a councellor she said it could be inherited also.

26-07-11, 11:28
Thanks for a really interesting topic of discussion dusty.

I've wondered this for years, and I agree with Tyke. I think it is a mix of nature and nurture.

My Dad has suffered two nervous breakdowns, one when he was in the Navy before I was born, and another when I was a young child. He has also suffered life long anxiety and panic attacks, which stem from various traumas including two car crashes.

I am certain that I have inherited my Dad's anxiety and panic. An anomaly is that I have had depression, but my Dad not. My Dad had always been a worrier and I have too.

I was painfully shy as a child and very protected by my Dad because of that I think. I think that maybe this had an influence on my lack of confidence. I think all these things relate to anxiety in some way.

It is real food for thought.xxx:)

26-07-11, 12:33
Interesting post...but i have to say it doesnt run in my immediate family...mother, father, sister and brother are all fine.Thay have no anxiety or depression.I seem to be the only one that i know of.Im not sure about other relatives..maybe some distant ones have experiened problems but theres none im aware of.I think it is a mixture of all sorts of things..nurture..nature and life experiences..I also beleive that it is a learned behaviour...we learn how to become anxious and get very very good at it!!This is just my opinion of course...we all have are own reasons as to why we think- we are the way we are!!!

26-07-11, 12:47
Hi dusty

I was going to ask the same question but in regards to depression, my great grandfather and my aunt both hanged themselfs and i know my aunt was depressed a lot , i hope for my own sake this is not in my genes because otherwise it's scary. I have had a thoughts in the past about suicide but just thoughts never planed it or anything like that and i used to selfharm so one would easily put one and one together. Sorry not much help just i was thinking the same as you.

26-07-11, 15:19
Thankyou to each and everyone of you who have taken the time out to reply to this post and to share youre different stories and theories, we are all unique even within our own experiences of panick and anxiety. It was interesting to read all the different aspects as to who and why are effected.Nature? or Nurture, I think it could be a mixture of both, I suppose its how we cope with it all, I know this site (that I only recently found) has been a comfort for me.My partner tries his best to understand but untill you've actually expereinced a panick atack, I dont think they can truely know what its like. ! There are times when you need to get things(worries ) off your chest and knowing this site is available anytime night or day is a comfort. I know I am amongst people who can understand were I am coming from and have experienced similar thoughts or situation. Thankyou.xx