View Full Version : anybody there? :(

26-07-11, 00:24
i'm supposed to be going on holiday tomorrow, but i just cant do it! first of all theres my flying phobia but then i keep thinking, what if i get there and start to panic because im so far away from home and can't get back, these thoughts won't go away, can anybody help?! i really can't see myself going tomorrow! :(!!!

26-07-11, 00:39
you'll be ok! Even if you panic you will still be alright and perfectly safe, remember the worst of a panic lass 20 minutes.
I always get scared about going places but when I do go, It turns out I am much calmer than I thought I would be.
if you read the posts you'll see most people here dread going away but once they do they really enjoy them selves.
the thought is worse than the reality.
you deserve to go on holidays and to have fun and enjoy yourself!
you will regret not going, try and think about all the positive things about going.

26-07-11, 00:40
where are you flying too?

26-07-11, 00:56
Hi Lauren

I'm a bit like this, but I nearly always find that the anticipatory anxiety beforehand is worse than the anxiety when I get there. I can't remember ever having a holiday where I was that desperate to come home. You'll be fine, just try and focus on the holiday and the great time you will have. Try and take something with you to help you relax - favourite music, a good book , magazine or even a relaxation tape. When you get back let us all know about the fantastic time you had. :)


26-07-11, 02:02
i'm flying to malta, i just hope i can board that plance, thanks guys, i will try my hardest!

26-07-11, 10:22
go enjoy yourself. remember NOBODY has ever died from a panic attack. And the planes NOT going to crash. The time spent relaxing and having fun will be good for you once you get there.

if it helps you tell a stewardess that you suffer - they have dealt with many many passengers like us before and will help you out if needed.

tell us all about what you did and saw when you get back.

I havent been to Malta for a long time - but its a beautiful friendly place.

26-07-11, 10:40
these comments have really helped, thanks a lot! I think the hot weather and sea will help me to relax and put my anxiety aside, if not i suppose all i have to think about is i'm only a 3/4 hour flight from home! not far at all, thanks again.