View Full Version : Increasing dosage

26-07-11, 09:53
Hi guys

That's me been on 10mg of cit for around 9 weeks now, my anxiety has still been quite high most days so my GP thinks it's time to increase to 20mg. I asked her if I would get SEs again and she said no I shouldn't (we all know they tell us this anyway)

How did everyone else get on increasing? I really don't want to go back to all the SEs I had first few weeks on cit :( it was horrendous

Hope you are all doing well

26-07-11, 10:18
I had a lot of side effects on Citalopram initially but very few on dose increases once I had been on it for a while. I think going from 10-20mg I felt a little tired but that was it. I think you'll be fine because 9 weeks is a long time and it will already be established in your system.

28-07-11, 23:45
I am such a coward, I still haven't got round to taking the increased dose :( I know it will help in the long run, I'm just so scared because of how I felt when I first started cit

29-07-11, 00:02
Try taking 5mg for a week ..Then when you feel ok increase again .You will be fine just try to relax, and eat when you take your pills it helps .All the best Sue x:hugs:

29-07-11, 00:16
Thanks Sue, I think I'll try increasing 5mg at first to see how it goes, it's going to be a nightmare trying to half those tiny little things lol

I'll let you all know how I get on :)

29-07-11, 02:51
i increased mine at just 5mg a go as i didnt wanna feel all those crazy SE and i wasnt to bad but then i got to 30mg for a while and jumped straight to 40mg and the horrible side effects came again now i wish i would of carried on with going up in 5s but they have all settled now which am glad x

02-08-11, 10:37
Sorry to hear you had a hard time :( I'm glad things are improving for you now though.

I've taken 15mg today and I'm petrified, I'm hoping I don't feel any bad SEs but just increasing such a small amount, I'll let you'd know how I get on

03-08-11, 22:16
2nd day of 15mg and today was an ok day (yesterday was avreally anxious day, although it could be down to me and worrying about increasing) I'm hoping today will be how things are until I increase again :)

04-08-11, 10:14
Either I'm really sensitive to SSRIs or I'm talking myself into having SEs :( after a good day I had an awful night, only managed q few hours sleep, was really restless, and since I got out of bed I feel so shaky and anxious, I'm hoping I have a good day today

07-08-11, 03:22
Hiya Vicki

I went from 10-20-40-60......the first 2-3 weeks of the first ever taking was the worst with the SEs.....I don't think I've had any problems when increasing........keep positive hun xxxx

07-08-11, 10:47
Thanks for the positive feedback Hun :) I'm trying to keep a positive attitude, I had a couple of good days, yesterday I was very anxious (I'm putting that down to that everyone was away out and I was worried about being on my own) slept quite well once I managed to drop off, I'm hoping for a good day today :) xx

07-08-11, 11:07
Hope its going ok today Vicki. I went from 0 to 20 to hospital, back to 0 then 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, then 40. Now back to 30. Did have slight side effects on each increase but minor. Was on each increase for at least 2/3 weeks before made next step. Was really scared of each step but now really glad I went through with it.

15-08-11, 10:39
Hi everyone :)

I stayed on 15mg for 2 weeks (mostly because I've been too scared to increase to 20) being on 15 didn't make me feel any better, I've finally took 20mg today and worked myself up into a state about how I'm going to feel(stupid I know) fingers crossed I don't have any increased anxiety today as I don't think I could cope :(

Onwards and upwards

15-08-11, 11:43
I'm sure you Wont have any side affects, I've not had any and I started on 20mg.

15-08-11, 12:04
Thanks :) I started on 10mg and had awful SEs for a few weeks :( I think that's what's put me off increasing before now

18-08-11, 20:17
4th day of taking 20mg and I actually left the house :) that's a big deal for me as I haven't been out (apart from the shop at the end if the street and the kids school across the road) for 2 years. I was in the car but managed to go shopping for a short while, I know it's still early days but today has given me real hope :)

Hope you're all having a good day