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View Full Version : phobia of medication

april tones
05-04-04, 22:05
does any one have phobia of medication and have trouble finding safe contraception with out worring of side effects?


05-04-04, 22:42
Oh I do big time - let me see if I can find my posts!


april tones
06-04-04, 11:56
ok, thanks nicola


06-04-04, 21:52
Ok here we go ...

Pharmacophobia (fear of medication ) (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=500)
TAKING ANY NEW MEDICATION (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=797)
Perindopril (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=59)

Hope that helps


06-04-04, 22:24

thanks for posting these links, I have the same problem and found some advice in those threads very helpful *makes mental note to stop frantic internet research about medicamentation*


I'm not quite sure what worries you most about contraception - possible side-effects of contraception (like the pill) or your method of birth-control not being safe enough?

08-04-04, 12:05

I am exactly the same. i won't take it (the reason I didn't take anti depressants) mostly I am scared of allergy but side effects scare me senseless too!

I know the side effects are listed even if one person takes something wrong with them whilst taking meds and i know I am unlikely to take any major side effects but I still can't take them!!!!!

The contraception we have to use is condoms (unhappy boyfriend but it is better than babies!!!!)


april tones
08-04-04, 20:43
hi all, yes, its the side effects that scare me. i went on depo injection and had awful mood changes, massive weight gain etc. I have not long had a baby so dont want another one yet. It is ruining our sex lifew though as im worrying if condom splits as it did xmas and we had to get morning after pill. i was thinking of progesterone only but not that effective if your over 11 stone, love aprilx p.s i ended up taking anti deps 3 weeks ago as got worse, glad i did.


april tones
08-04-04, 20:54
thanks, looked at the links, we all got the same worrys. i never read instruction leaflets now either, get partner or mom to read them.


08-04-04, 23:36

My doc suggested I take this injection thing as a contraception. It has the same side effects as the pill, is not effected by stomach upsets etc, you have it every 12 weeks and works as well as the pill. Is that the depo injection thing?

I am still thinking about it!!


13-04-04, 13:36

he thought of they injections scares the heebies out of me, (although weight gain might be good!)I think i will stick to condoms (although admittedly my sex drive is terribly low - since i had my 1st kid about 7 years ago)


13-04-04, 16:05
Yes Nic - same thing but there are different varieties.
This one being discussed is depo provera.


"Come to the edge."
"We can't. We're afraid."
"Come to the edge."
"We can't. We will fall!"
"Come to the edge."
And they came.
And he pushed them.
And they flew.

- Guillaume Apollinaire

april tones
13-04-04, 20:18
any one on progesterone only pill? ther is a site similar to this set up by some one who had depo and had side effects. try typing depo provera in search engine


17-04-04, 18:34
Thanks April - I will take a look.


april tones
30-04-04, 21:17
hi nicola, did you take a look at that sight? have you decided on contraception? how are you doing? love april


01-05-04, 16:35
Hi April

I am still not sure about it all. I forgot to take my pill again last night - I am hopless at remembering.

It just worries me having an injection that you can't stop taking - if that makes sense. If you take a pill and you get side-effects then you stop taking it. If you get the injection then I am scared that the side-effects will last as long as the injection does - which is a few months isn't it?

I can't make my mind up so I am doing nothing for now!


01-05-04, 17:10

Have you ever heard of the Nuva Ring, it works with hormons (that's why I never tried it). You have to insert/remove it once a month so you don't have to remember it on a daily basis (advantage over the pill). If you feel uncomfortable with the side-effects you just remove it (advantage over the injections). I don't know whether it's available in the UK yet.

01-05-04, 17:19
I haven't heard of it no. I will take a look on the net.

Thanks for the info.


april tones
01-05-04, 17:48
yeah, the effects last a while, fertility can take a while to return too. Didnt for me though, 6 months. I put on lots of weight too and hormones was mega all over place. love april
