View Full Version : introducing myself

03-05-06, 21:00
Hi, :D I was diagnosed with PTSD in sept 05, going back to an event 7 years earlier with a Neighbour from hell and his family[}:)].
Putting up with harrassment and abuse from most of the family from hell members in the years up to now, even tonight had abuse from their kids.
Got a cancellation app to see counsellor in nov 05 seen her once a week for 4 weeks then stopped going (she was about as much use as a chocolate fireguard)
The doc wants me to take anti depressants but i have avoided so far, but things are getting quite bad now so might go see him again.

Didnt want to leave the house this morning after two very disturbed nights of sleep and hitting headboard and bedside table many times both nights[Oops!], but had to get kids to school so i forced myself
felt a bit better this afternoon
then bad again tonight as them damn kids started again
Was surfing the net for support groups etc when i came across this site
everyone seems so kind and friendly.
Anyway a big Hello :D to all

marie ross
03-05-06, 23:14
Hi suzanne,

Sorry to hear that you're going through a bad time at the moment. I also need to go back to the doctor but like you, i'm trying to avoid medication. Hope you enjoy this site everyone is so helpful which helps a lot, and it will help you get through it all. Welcome.

Marie XX

04-05-06, 19:22
Thanks your your message Marie

I had tried to avoid medication [V] as i thought it would be like admitting defeat and i would feel a total failure.

But after recent events :( things seemed to be affecting my day to day life more and more and my symptoms were getting worse

So today i went back to the doctors and was prescribed citalopram which i am to take for minimum of 6 months but i only have a small dose 10mg because i am still a bit stubborn about taking them it can be increased gradually as i need it.

:)I am so glad i found this site it is nice to feel the support :)

But i hope they will help me live a little more comfortably than i have been so far

05-09-06, 09:31
Hi folks
can I just say that "maybe" taking medication isnt such a bad thing, rather than admiting defeat maybe its being succesful in taking a few steps in the right direction. Ive had loads of different tablets in various cocktails and its taken 2 years before finding something that helps (very slightly) at all. Many times I have felt they are not worth taking, but luckily my GP tries to get them right for me.
Go and see the GP, try the tablets with an open mind, but if they do not help, dont stop them, just go back to the GP and see if there are others you can try.

05-09-06, 09:33
Hi Suzanne,

A big warm welcome to you.

Take Care


05-09-06, 13:24
Hi Suzanne,

A big welcome to you! you are not the only one that avoids meds. However it can be beneficial though be prepared for trial and error until you find the rught one! This site seems to be very supportive and I hope this helps!!

Hugs to you
