View Full Version : Continuing citalopram, weight gain and jaw clenching

26-07-11, 11:57
Hi All.

I had some trouble finding the answer to my questions in past posts so perhaps someone can answer how. I have been on citalopram for about 9 months. It has really helped my anxiety and I feel much better than I have for a long time. I am changing my job in October- I am excited about this and hope it will work out well. My GP has indicated that he feels I should stay on the citalopram till I am settled in the new job and I agree with this.

However, I do have a couple of side effects that have become more noticeable over time. Firstly weight gain- have gained half a stone over time I have been on citalopram. I would probably feel less concerned about this if I felt that I could loss the weight once I stopped the cit. Has anyone expereince of this, were they able to loose weight when they stopped cit? The second problem is jaw clenching. This is especially worrying at night. I try to relax before I go to sleep which helps a bit. But I am worried that I might be grinding my teeth. Would I know if I was? Also has anyone found any way apart from trying to relax of reducing jaw clenching?

I would really appreicate any feedback on these issues.


26-07-11, 13:26
Hi J

From my past experience with Citalopram i didn't put any weight on or maybe just pound ot two, but yes the jaw clenching was annoying, i remember i was doing relaxion too before going off to bed but it didn't make any difference. Now i'm off it the jaw clenching stopped so don't know if that answers your question.

27-07-11, 09:49
Hi jonquil

I was prescribed Citalopram for anxiety 21/2yrs ago & like you have gained weight. My gp tells me Cit increases your appetite & when i come off them it will return to normal & i should loose the weight. I try to see it as a small price to pay for the relief it has given me from my anxiety & depression but feel it has given me another problem.

I've also had jaw clenching & used to wake with pain in my jaw & one side of my face each morning. My dentist arranged for me to have a gum shield made that i wore at night. It cured the problem in a few weeks & as my anxiety has decreased i no longer need to wear it.

Hope thats a help

27-07-11, 19:23
Dear Both, thanks for your replies. I agree that the weight gain has to be balanced
against how much better I feel. Think jaw clenching might be worse at the moment as changing
Jobs is stressful and work anxiety has contributed to my current difficulties. Think its a good idea
to see dentist. Might put my mind at rest. Thanks again. J x

28-07-11, 11:55
Ive just been prescribed 60mg of Cit for my GAD.

With the weight gain issue, would this not be possible to keep at bay with a little exercise? I too am concerned about the weight gain, but am going to go to the gym so hopefully this will help??

Hope your all well.

03-08-11, 13:07
Well yes, and indeed in the past I have found exercies a really good way of controlling my weight. But I am actually pretty active and it is difficult to know how to increase that further within in the confines of the time available outside work. I think I need also to try and eat less but my appetite has definitely increased with the citalopram. It would be encouraging just to know that things should settle down again once I stop the citalopram. Anyway thanks for the thought!