View Full Version : Was doing so well....

26-07-11, 12:33

I have to admit I have been doing so well, and have not been on here for nearly a year (it's bad really, to only come on when feeling bad?!)

I guess I am just looking for reassurance… the other night I was getting pains in my chest (just behind my breast bone) they wer not major, but I could defitely feel something. My boyfriend said it was just heartburn, so I just went ot bed and low and behold, the next morning I was fine.

Today however, I have just had the bggest heart beat of my life - I was just sat at my desk and all of a sudden it felt like my heart jumped out of my chest - but just for the one beat. I now feel a bit light headed and dizzy, and I wasn’t feeling anxious or anything before.

Has anyone ever had this before - I'm freaking out.

I lost my Mum to heart diesease 4 and a half years ago, so it is something that I worry about anyway.

I know it sounds silly!

26-07-11, 16:15
I think this is most likely to be nothing, but because you're worrying about it so much it seems worse than it is. Naturally you're going to be concerned about anything in the chest area if you lost a family member to heart disease. However the truth is that chest pains can be muscular, they can be heartburn, and the heart does skip a beat every now and again even in healthy people. Why don't you make an appointment with your GP anyway to put your mind at rest and discuss ways in which you can adjust your lifestyle (if you need to) to keep your risks down in the long term?

26-07-11, 16:38
I get that at work all the time.
I used to panic about it terribly but now I just accept it's anxiety.

Like Ingenious said though it wouldn't hurt to book an appointment, just to put your mind at rest eh.

Good luck xxx