View Full Version : Fed up and just want to feel better!

26-07-11, 14:31
Still waiting for antibiotics to work for diagnosed pyelonephritis, I'm sick of feeling malaised and ill, just want to feel "normal" again, now I'm getting upper right abdomen pain around near my liver area, I had an ultrasound last week looking at my gallbladder, kidneys and ovaries and low right large colon, no abnormalities found, so I don't understand where this pain near my liver area has come from, its not painful just a bit niggly every now n then and with my HA signals to me that it cud be liver cancer, pancreatitis, pancreas cancer, gallbladder cancer omg everything springs to mind and I can't get it out of my head that sumthing has been missed and I'm dying because the docs didn't see anything, I'm having another ultrasound soon and waiting for urine culture results to come back.

I have had an ultrasound on my liver last year and all was found was mild fatty liver, I am terrified its sumthing more serious now, I'm only 25 and my hubby is getting sick of me always worrying and trying to make me feel better, I still feel crap after my kidney infection which is still ongoing as I have had 2 lots of oral antibiotics and 2 lots of aggressive antibiotics via iv at the hospital last week, just want this dying feeling to go away, I have had bloods done last week and all was normal, so I don't understand, maybe sumone can relate? Sorry for long post I just wanted to explain how I am feeling and to see if anyone has had this or knows sumone who has had similar problems? Xxx

26-07-11, 16:56
im sorry you feel this way. i know what you mean about you hubby getting upset. mine does the same thing. he says that i am crazy and need help. i feel for you and you will always have friends to talk to here. im sure you do not have anything serious.