View Full Version : Panic/Palpitations and Exercise

26-07-11, 19:49
Does anyone else worry about palpitations and exercise?

Before I started with panic (6 years ago?) I was a regular runner. My running has diminished to nothing over the years, and I am currently trying to get back into it, my theory being that fitter = healthier heart etc.

Although I rarely get panic symptoms these days, I worry about getting palpitations when I run. I think exercise is likely to provoke palpitations in most people to some extent, but I think a lot of mine are "home-made"!

It usually starts when I am running quite comfortably, then something happens, like I notice that I am becoming breathless. I may then then think something like "I hope I don't get a heart attack/Panic attack/Palpitations" This is usually followed by some palpitations, which then trigger more, etc. I usually then have to walk, and get my breath back..

I think part of the problem is that the feeling of being out of breath, and having a racing heart due to exercise is very much like a panic attack, but for a different reason! This makes one think of Panic, and thus create some of the symptoms!

Does any one know where I am coming from on this?

My plan is to build up the running gradually, using a run/walk pattern until I eventually get used to the sensations of exercise again! Does this make sense?

26-07-11, 19:53
I think that the breathlessness and racing pulse that are normal with exercise are triggering your memory of your feelings of panic. The thing to do is to keep on running at the same rate until it passes. If you are meant to have a heart attack you will no matter what you do.

27-07-11, 10:57
Sounds like you have associated exercise with panic and you just need to re-direct your thoughts when exercising (I also used to have this) Also, deep breaths is the key! Once you've finished exercising, take deep breaths and patiently wait untill you're heart rate calms down and becomes normal again. Try not to panic, remember it's perfectly normal for your heart to speed up whilst exercising, as it's doing it's job :)

27-07-11, 21:01
This is exactly what I'm experiencing. I find it hard to differentiate sensations of exercise and symptoms of panic when they are so incredibly similar. I have heart worries but the ironic thing is by fear of exercising and getting my heart pumping will having a negative impact on my heart in the long run! Well done for sticking with the running though, can't be easy! L