View Full Version : alcohol issues because of my anxiety

26-07-11, 20:09
hi there, for the last 2 years or so i found myself turning more and more to alcohol to help cope with my panic and aniety attacks even to the point if i wake in the middle of the night i get up and have 3-4 drinks to calm myself down and then again in the morning because ive got a hangover so i spend the whole morning usually waiting for the shop to open so i can buy a couple of beers again just to calm down i also find myself getting mad at myself because im not even enjoying the drink its purely just to calm me down i dont consider myself an alcoholic because if i could cut down my anxiety i could easily stop drinking so its purely a crutch just to help me out, so as of yesterday i have decided to quit drinking permanantley or at least untill i feel in control of the anxiety, anyone else had these issues?

26-07-11, 20:57
Yes. And you've done the right thing. Whilst you think drink is helping you, with the other hand it is taking so much away.

26-07-11, 21:02
hi there, for the last 2 years or so i found myself turning more and more to alcohol to help cope with my panic and aniety attacks even to the point if i wake in the middle of the night i get up and have 3-4 drinks to calm myself down and then again in the morning because ive got a hangover so i spend the whole morning usually waiting for the shop to open so i can buy a couple of beers again just to calm down i also find myself getting mad at myself because im not even enjoying the drink its purely just to calm me down i dont consider myself an alcoholic because if i could cut down my anxiety i could easily stop drinking so its purely a crutch just to help me out, so as of yesterday i have decided to quit drinking permanantley or at least untill i feel in control of the anxiety, anyone else had these issues?

Yes Lee i can relate to that, i came off venlafaxine in September and on it again in November and off again in April. In those off of the meds episodes i have used alcohol to control my anxiety, it felt good when i had had a couple and when you feel on top of the World but the come down used to make me more anxious than before. I started to have a drink before work and during breaks just to calm down but i never normally got smashed, i do like the taste of a beer so i asked my doctor for different meds and i have not had a drink for 2 weeks, the meds say don't mix with the sauce so i will see how it goes.
I go on holiday soon and i don't think a couple and i mean a couple of pints would hurt though! i am glad You made that decision though, have you spoken to your doctor?

eight days a week
26-07-11, 21:55
I can absolutely relate to that! I used alcohol (in the evenings) the whole of my adult life to 'deal with' (ha!) the anxiety and stress I'd built up during the day. Eventually the hangovers caused more stress and anxiety during the day and more of a need to relieve it during the evening. That's really when I should have realised it was becoming a bit of a problem. Unfortunately it took an extremely traumatic event a few years ago to do that, and to really question and address my drinking...

Basically it's a really vicious circle for anyone with anxiety issues to mix it with alcohol - it can seem like the perfect 'fix' at the time, perhaps even for a long time (many years).

Feeling anxious and jittery is one way to spot physical alcohol withdrawal. I'll be honest with you, it sounds like your drinking pattern (used to drink around the clock and - I'm guessing here - 10+ cans of beer a day) will mean that you be physically dependent on the stuff.

If you are, it's incredibly dangerous to stop cold turkey so please don't even think about it. Just google alcohol withdrawal symptoms. Instead, I'd seriously suggest that you slowly try to cut down the amount you're drinking. Work out how many units you drink daily and try to cut down by 1/2 or 1 unit per day, stay at that level for a few days (as long as it takes to feel comfortable there) and then cut down again. This is absolutely the safest and best way to do it, if you can manage it :) The alternative is a detox, which can take a long time to get into, unless you go private, which will cost you many thousands.

The very best of luck to you. I'm here to help if you need, just give me a shout :)

27-07-11, 02:51
I feel ya. I've had a very very bad last 2 weeks because of my current health obsession and consequently I've been either drunk or stoned (or both) every night. Self medication.

27-07-11, 15:07
I don't mean to put pressure on you, but please PLEASE get whatever help you need to get away from the alcohol being a crutch. You know you're drinking it for the wrong reasons, and that can ONLY lead to more problems than it solves.

Alchoholism has ruined the lives of so many people I know, one of them died from being consistantly drunk then slipping and hitting their head, another one is on their last chance from a second surgery on liver and it was one of several things that broke down the relationship with my father. All of them not only harm(ed) themselves but devastated their entire families as they went.

27-07-11, 22:30
hi, been to the docs and back on citalopram 20mg, told the doctor how much ive been drinking she said either to stop drinking until i feel i can just enjoy a sociable couple of drinks or until i feel i can control it but think i would like to cut it out for good coz not only is it making me anxious its putting loads of weight on me at least 3 stone since i began heavy drinking, anyway not drank since monday and dont plan to although still anxious and it would seem like the easiest thing to have a couple of beers to chill me out but i wont, anyway will keep ya posted thanks for the replies x

27-07-11, 23:35
Hi I am on 40mg of citalopram and i tend to have a couple of glasses of red wine most nights sometimes half a bottle of red as it helps me relax but i don't want to be doing this every night especially as i am on citalopram so i have not drank for 4 nights lol I can't believe it. I will have a drink at the weekend red wine lol. but i am pleased with myself. I also think the citalopram is starting to work. I have been on them for 5 weeks now. Mornings are still a bit fearful with the butterflys in the tummy but i keep busy that helps.

Good luck with cutting down on the alcohol. I do feel it can make you feel more depressed when drinking.

Cathy xx

28-07-11, 00:22
A LOT of people self-medicate with alcohol for anxiety/depression/insomnia but it's really not the answer (you only find the answer at the bottom of a bottle temporarily :)). Go and see your doctor and get some help.

Good Luck!

eight days a week
28-07-11, 20:40
hi, been to the docs and back on citalopram 20mg, told the doctor how much ive been drinking she said either to stop drinking until i feel i can just enjoy a sociable couple of drinks or until i feel i can control it but think i would like to cut it out for good coz not only is it making me anxious its putting loads of weight on me at least 3 stone since i began heavy drinking, anyway not drank since monday and dont plan to although still anxious and it would seem like the easiest thing to have a couple of beers to chill me out but i wont, anyway will keep ya posted thanks for the replies x

Wow, that's great - well done you :) So no withdrawal symptoms? Amazing! That means you spotted the problem before it got too serious, really good news.

Please continue to let us know how you get on :)

Hi I am on 40mg of citalopram and i tend to have a couple of glasses of red wine most nights sometimes half a bottle of red as it helps me relax but i don't want to be doing this every night especially as i am on citalopram so i have not drank for 4 nights lol I can't believe it. I will have a drink at the weekend red wine lol. but i am pleased with myself. I also think the citalopram is starting to work. I have been on them for 5 weeks now. Mornings are still a bit fearful with the butterflys in the tummy but i keep busy that helps.

Good luck with cutting down on the alcohol. I do feel it can make you feel more depressed when drinking.

Cathy xx

Good for you too cathy!

30-07-11, 21:22
no withdrawl symptoms so far feeling better not great yet but better, not sleeping so good which is a pain but not had a drink for 5 days!! hurrah!