View Full Version : OH MY GOD, I cannot stand this withdrawl much longer!

26-07-11, 21:41
Day 3 off venlafaxine (75mg, was 225mg at one point) and I'm ready to either A) throw in the towel and get some more or B) smash my brain in with a hammer...

The brain zaps are horrible and pretty much every 20 seconds, I feel sick yet keep eating, I can't walk in a straight line for the vertigo (back at work on Thursday :huh:) and I don't know what to do.

Please, any suggestions to stop feeling so bad?
I had a full on panic attack before it got that bad, it's been a long time since I had one of them and it was horrible.


26-07-11, 21:46
Day 3 off venlafaxine (75mg, was 225mg at one point) and I'm ready to either A) throw in the towel and get some more or B) smash my brain in with a hammer...

The brain zaps are horrible and pretty much every 20 seconds, I feel sick yet keep eating, I can't walk in a straight line for the vertigo (back at work on Thursday :huh:) and I don't know what to do.

Please, any suggestions to stop feeling so bad?
I had a full on panic attack before it got that bad, it's been a long time since I had one of them and it was horrible.


Have you come off because you have been told to by Dr? Because I came off cold turkey and it made me worse! i know that withdrawal feeling. try and take some more or speak to your Dr as its only been 3 days it might not be so bad to start them again.:D

macc noodle
26-07-11, 22:54

You really should take some medical advice on this - it could set you back if you are not careful.

Take care

Macc Noodle

27-07-11, 00:06
I decided on my own to come off them as they don't have the desired effect anymore. I'd really prefer to not go back on them but I feel tryely awful :weep:
I've just taken a st johns wort tablet in desperation for some relief.

27-07-11, 00:18
That wont help Lizzie ..You have come off too quickly ..Get back on them and cut down very very slowly once you are stable again ..Then the withdrawals wont be so bad ..Try half the dose you were on first or you could get side effects ..Hope you feel better soon .Sue x:hugs:

27-07-11, 12:21
I decided on my own to come off them as they don't have the desired effect anymore. I'd really prefer to not go back on them but I feel tryely awful :weep:
I've just taken a st johns wort tablet in desperation for some relief.

Hello Lizziesaurus

Please don't mix St Johns wort with the the venlafaxine! I know it has been 3 days but they will still be in your system. 1 wont hurt but i would not take anymore so close to coming off venlafaxine. Speak to your Dr about how you feel.

27-07-11, 13:32
So after 3 and a half days of this awful awful withdrawl I threw in the towel and went to boots for an emergency supply (5 tablets).
I've taken one now, does anyone know how long it will approx. take to kick in?

I had enough this morning, the horrific dreams were bad enough but then everything else came flooding back and I felt I was about to do something stupid.
I'm going to see my doctor tomorrow and get a decent supply, I wouldn't dare go through this again anytime soon.