View Full Version : Uranation question

26-07-11, 23:18
Ok i have had this problem off and on for about a week now...

I noticed that i wasn't uranating like i used to like a lot less everytime, went to the docotr's and explained that i was having these issues.

So he took a urine sample and tested it in his office and said it had slight trace's of blood and protein in it here's some Antibiotic's and i'll send it off to the lab for further testing.

So the result's come back and everything is clear, he asked me to give another sample which i did and the result's come back tomorrow hopefully, now the problem i seem to be having is i am drinking alot of fluid's and the only time i seem to pee properly is when i wake up during the night and when i get up in the morning... As i am drinking alot of fluid's through the day my peeing is near none existant and i am getting strange noises's from my stomach.

I have a slight twinge of pain lower left ab and right flank but nothing that is hurting to seroiusly.

What can this be, it's starting to freak me out :scared15:?

27-07-11, 01:02
if the weather is hot maybe you are sweating out most of it?
i drank tones of water all day and haven't really pee'd much at all,