View Full Version : Crimp in side? Something sinister ? Pulled muscle?

27-07-11, 00:00
Yesterday I started experiencing some pain in my lower right diaphram at the the very bottom edge. It was like a cramp almost. I had been laying on my left side and reading and typing with my right hand. My wife put a salonpae on it and I took an ibprofen and laid back on my back and it seem to help. Ladtnight it felt like muscle spasms there but when I woke this morning it was prettt much gone but I started reading again and it has come back and extended down my lower right abdomen including my ribcage. Is this pain just from laying in a weird position or could it be something sinister? I dont have the symptoms fopr liver or gallbladder problems. My wife said she remembered me pulling something. the other day when lifting but I dont remember. But im worried it could be something bad but in the back of my mind I feel its probally a muscle out of place. Anyone else get things like this?

27-07-11, 00:16
Stiff muscle disease?

27-07-11, 00:46

27-07-11, 01:07
Hello Michael.

Yes, I get this a lot - but I have fibromyalgia and prolonged pressure on any part of my body results in cramps, crimps, muscle spasms, pain and sometimes tingling. I won't say all this is 'normal' but I'm sure it's pretty common, especially like you say if you've lifted something heavy, overdone it or slept in an awkward position.

I won't tell you to go to the doc cos I know you won't but at least try to find ways to relax and chill out lol.

27-07-11, 01:23
Ok:( Thank you ...sorry...dont mean to be a pain. Sometimes it helps to know someone else feels what you do. Many times when I notice people on here with things I have been through I try to comfort them.... Thats all I was hoping for. I appreciate it.....

27-07-11, 02:29
Pulled mucle? How long do they take to heal? I thought I pulled a mucle once, on and off for months I kept getting a dull ache in my side/back, on a bad day the pain went over my ribs too.
I never figured out what is was, although twice I got extreme spasms in the area , only lasted a few minutes but was very painful , I was panting like you see those women do while they are giving birth lol
I wonder if it might gave been a kidney stone that I eventually passed?
Hope your feeling better :)

27-07-11, 02:42
Dont know about the kidney stone... the pain isnt sharp but it concerns me. Ill check on the kidney stone.. Thnks

27-07-11, 03:20
Ok checked the symptoms of kidney stone. Nope dont have those symptoms but thanks Mishel

27-07-11, 03:21
Maybe just over used muscle or muscle strain I hope :)

27-07-11, 03:40
Try laying on your other side so you can compare notes ;)

27-07-11, 03:58
If I lay flator stand it feels somewhat better but I still notice like a pulling feeling.