View Full Version : Operation on Saturday - considering cancelling bec

03-05-06, 23:56
I am in such a state - I am due to have a hysterectomy on Saturday - I have had dreadful problems recently and the Doctor says that there is nothing else she can do to to improve my health other than the op. She also feels that a lot of my anxiety problems will ease once I have had the op as I am constanly anaemic which has made me very tired.depressed,anxious.

Here is the problem - my panic/anxiety occurs when I am alone. I am having my operation in a hospital where there are only private rooms and as a nurse will not be with me constantly I will be alone at times. This has made me so worried that I am at the stage of phoning the consultant and cancelling the op. My husband is furious as he feels that I am putting my physical health at risk (REAL) for what he feels is not real -ie fear. I know my physical health will suffer very severly if I do not have the operation but can I cope - what if i have a panc attack and am alone and can't get out of bed to get some one/ there is no one around. Could I cope.

I am so worried I don't know what to do - my family will be devastated if I cancel the op but I am just so scared.

marie ross
04-05-06, 00:10
Hi Tracy,

Sorry that you are feeling so bad. Would it be possible that your or your husband could talk to one of the doctors or nurses to explain whats happening so that theres always someone there for you. My only experience of hospitals is when i went into give birth but there was always someone there at the end of the call button no matter how trivial i thought the problem was. Please try and get through this because it sounds like you really do need the operation, and it sounds like your husband is really worried for you. When i was on the maternity ward there were rooms where your partner could sleep over as well, is that possible at your hospital? Sorry i've not been much help. I really hope that you manage to get through it all. Take care.

Marie XX

04-05-06, 00:33
hi Tracey. I cant believe I have just come across your post! I had a hysterectomy on 7th March.
Unfortunately I had cancer of the uterus(which has now gone), but the time leading up to it was horrendous.
I was terrified but I really didnt have any choice about having the op. I had terrible flu with a hacking cough on the morning I was due to go in and I tried to cancel. I was between the devil and the deep really because part of me wanted to delay but then logically I knew it MUST be done.
In the event the hospital told me to go in anyway as they didnt want me to lose my place. I was in a ward with lots of other women and I must confess that it did pass the time.
I can see why you are not keen on being on your own, but the most important thing is to get the op done and out of the way. The things you worry about before you go in are just things to grab on to. It is very scary going into hospital so you are going to pin your fears on the thing that makes you feel the most vulnerable.
The fact that you are in a private room suggests that you are having it done privately?If this is the case you will be treated like a princess!
You will just have had a major op. Do you think that they will just dump you in a room and leave you to it? Of course they wont!
You will get the very best of care. You will have a buzzer by your bed if you need something. After the op they will be checking you very regularly-it seemed to me like every half an hour just afterwards.
I would tell the nursing staff that you have panic attacks, Be honest! they are there to look after you and if they are aware of it that will make you feel less alone.
I honestly think that you will find you will cope better than you think you will at this moment.
I was scared of all sorts of things but when I was there and living it somehow I got through.
I urge you not to cancel. If you do you will regret it BIG TIME. You are so close to it now. Just think this time next week it will all be over! I guarantee you wont be having panic attacks then!
I feel for you so much. I know what you are going through but it will be alright. Panic attacks are horrible but they cant really hurt you. Cancelling the op could though so be brave!
Good luck-you can do it

04-05-06, 22:41
Thank you so much for your replies Marie and Janet - they were so encouraging.

I am so glad that you read my post Janet because your reply has been so encouraging - I know that logically I should have the operation- as you say the panic attack won't harm me - not having the operation almost certainly will.

I think I would rather be on a ward but the reason that I have managed to get the op without months on a waiting list is that my husband has private health insurance - and the hospital only has private rooms - I will have the same consultant as I would at the NHS hospital but can get the problem sorted out quicker - wrong but unfortunately the way it seems to work. I have been getting a lot worse over the last few months and really need to get this sorted out.

I am still so scared ( spent most of the morning at work close to tears) , but I am going to try and do this.


04-05-06, 22:58
Hi Tracey
Im glad my reply helped you a little.
Of course you are scared. I was too. You would be a really odd person if you werent.
Just go with it. I remember the day of my op going into a state of acceptance. I knew I didnt have a choice and I just gave in to it.
The time leading up to it was much worse than the actual event itself. So right now I know how you are feeling. your mind is pulling you this way and that.
You are fortunate to be getting it over with so quickly. That is what happened to me. I was diagnosed and had my op 3 weeks later.
It would have been awful to have to wait longer.
Feel how you need to feel. Cry if you want. It is a scary event but you will be on the other side of it soon and then you can focus on getting on with your life and feeling well!
Keep in touch. Let us know you have done it. I will think of you on Saturday.
love Jan