View Full Version : cardiologist

27-07-11, 08:25
Hi i saw a doc yesterday following many ecg for funny heart beats h that started in pregnancy.h he said it was an electrical fault in my ventricals. Stupidly never asked what as in such a state. Got myself in a state bp really high pulse 125. Got to have exercise test echo and bp monitor... said i could have beta blockers or wait till all results in. Lady said can you feel your eptopics when she did ecg. My question is an eptopic an electrical fault or have i got something else. I am worried as hate tests etc but thinking if it was really bad wouldnt just let me go or insisted on meds. Thanks for any replies. I know i am a div for not asking. Went in all composed with questions written down and came out a mess!:)

27-07-11, 11:23
Does anyone know. Worrying now had presumed it was a pvc but didnt ask but lookslike no onr else has been told this x

27-07-11, 11:24
Hi There

I know exactly how you feel! When I saw the cardilologist my pulse was also 125!! It's very hard not to get scared. I am having problems aswel as they have found a murmur and I also get palps so have to have a Echo. All I can really say is that if it was really bad then they wouldn't have let you leave the hospital, but tbh i cant help that think that if you were panicing the ecg results would be 'off' if that makes sense as I have had ecg's before and they have been fine but this one was not! When have you got to go for your stress test? x

27-07-11, 11:41
Hi thanks for reply. No dates yet. Hate this bit and the waiting later. Do you know whrn your echo is. Will be so worked up ehen its mine and the stress test will be worse. Please let me know how you are doing x

27-07-11, 14:37
Hi There

I know exactly how you feel. It's sooooo so hard waiting to have the tests done and then waiting for the test results, just feel like lifes on hold at the moment!
Also how are you supposed to stay so calm in the hospital whilst having the tests? My heart will be beating like mad again, I just know it. Just the thought of it sends me off and I have no idea why. I just hate hospitals I think! I don't know either the date of my my echo or 7 day ecg! I just know for a fact that when I have the ecg I wont have a palp!! lol I hope everything goes well and you get it sorted! In a way if something is wrong at least then we will be able to get treatment for it instead of having to put up with these symptoms all the time! The palps are the worst if they doctor can get rid of those then I'll be over the moon! Fingers crossed xx

27-07-11, 18:14
I feel i am just waiting to. Hopefully we will get our dates soon. I am really trying to think likr you and whatever happens at least we know. I am dreading the stress test as so unfit and after,exertion is when i get runs of palps. Do you get other symptoms as well?

my baby has just been diagnosed with a heart murmor and had a normal ecg.. i hate hospitals to and i work for the nhs. A little knowledge is not good. Its ironic really because my biggest fear is leaving my children but im not really been a mom to them as feel so rubbish x