View Full Version : Heya guys, new here! ^^

27-07-11, 10:21
I’ve lurked around this forum a few times but I feel I really need to sign up and talk about what I’ve been feeling / going through myself. I've read a few posts and I can see now I'm not the only person who worries about health related things. >_<

My main problem at the moment is hypochondria and a fear of dieing prematurely. I’m not on meds, I did go to my Doctor a few years back because of general anxiety and had a counsellor, but I’ve not returned since.

So since of February this year until now, I’ve “diagnosed” myself with;

Eye cancer (had white eyes in a photo, went to an optician)
A cancerous mole (I’m never out in the sun but I had it checked, been told it’s fine)

A brain tumour (few weeks back, mild aches around my head, now gone)

And so now, at the age of 19 I’m determined I have MS or something’s wrong with my nervous system.

What I do know at least is anxiety, depression and an eating disorder has occurred on my Dad’s side of the family and that I’ve clearly inherited his anxious tendencies. @_@ Plus I tend to develop anxiety when I don’t have much to focus on, such as now in the summer.

27-07-11, 10:26
Hi VioletsInABreeze

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

27-07-11, 11:01
Hiya and welcome to nmp I am sure you will get the advce and help that you are looking for and make a few friends in the process


paula lynne
27-07-11, 11:02
Welcome, great name. x
As you suspected all the things you thought you had you didnt. Maybe you could adopt this thinking to your newest illness of MS too. Yes, anxiety runs in families, (Thanks mam!), so you probably have inherited some from your dads genes, and learnt behaviour. This is a great forum, and youll find lots of people in the same boat here. Welcome.:welcome:

27-07-11, 11:14
Hi VioletsInABreeze,

Welcome to the site.
I have health anxiety too, you're not alone!
I hope you find the forum as big a help as I do.

Emily xxx

27-07-11, 13:26
I’ve lurked around this forum a few times but I feel I really need to sign up and talk about what I’ve been feeling / going through myself. I've read a few posts and I can see now I'm not the only person who worries about health related things. >_<

My main problem at the moment is hypochondria and a fear of dieing prematurely. I’m not on meds, I did go to my Doctor a few years back because of general anxiety and had a counsellor, but I’ve not returned since.

So since of February this year until now, I’ve “diagnosed” myself with;

Eye cancer (had white eyes in a photo, went to an optician)
A cancerous mole (I’m never out in the sun but I had it checked, been told it’s fine)

A brain tumour (few weeks back, mild aches around my head, now gone)

And so now, at the age of 19 I’m determined I have MS or something’s wrong with my nervous system.

What I do know at least is anxiety, depression and an eating disorder has occurred on my Dad’s side of the family and that I’ve clearly inherited his anxious tendencies. @_@ Plus I tend to develop anxiety when I don’t have much to focus on, such as now in the summer.


Believe me you are not alone, I constantly find myself worrying about some terminal illness, but in fact I worry about every possible thing, I wish I could stop this so much. I also know that people like us can be a real pain to the others because they don't understandf what we are going through and I do too get really frustrated when I am feeling ill and close ones do not take it seriously. Maybe you would like to talk some more some times...

27-07-11, 16:01
Thankyou so much for the warm welcome, everyone. ^^ It means a lot to hear from people in the same because of how isolating anxiety can be (and I’m sure you all know how that feels!)

@Paula Lynne: Thank you! : ) That’s definitely a good way to think about it! I’m just trying remind myself I’ve jumped to conclusions before about my health.

@Fatou88: It’s really upsetting when you’re worried about a terminal illness and those around you won’t offer any comfort. You’re right, it probably does frustrate them as they can think rationally whereas it’s a bit harder for us.

: ( I hope it’s not getting you too down at the moment! And I hope you guys with health anxiety or any form of anxiety aren’t being too troubled by it at the moment either!

Fly away Katie
27-07-11, 17:15
hello and welcome to the forum x

28-07-11, 12:06
Thankyou so much for the warm welcome, everyone. ^^ It means a lot to hear from people in the same because of how isolating anxiety can be (and I’m sure you all know how that feels!)

@Paula Lynne: Thank you! : ) That’s definitely a good way to think about it! I’m just trying remind myself I’ve jumped to conclusions before about my health.

@Fatou88: It’s really upsetting when you’re worried about a terminal illness and those around you won’t offer any comfort. You’re right, it probably does frustrate them as they can think rationally whereas it’s a bit harder for us.

: ( I hope it’s not getting you too down at the moment! And I hope you guys with health anxiety or any form of anxiety aren’t being too troubled by it at the moment either!

It does bother me but life is a long troubled journey, nobody said it was going to be easy and it will never be. But hey, we made the first step, we are talking about it - it is a huge step for me and I do find that it does help. I am fighting but at least I am... a few days ago I wanted to give up and die because I thought this is it, i can't cope with this anymore, but now even though I have recurrent depressive thoughts I am trying to assure myself that everything will be fine

Fly away Katie
28-07-11, 12:11
Hello and welcome to NMP :welcome:

28-07-11, 14:18
@Fly away Katie: Thank you for the welcome! ^^

It does bother me but life is a long troubled journey, nobody said it was going to be easy and it will never be. But hey, we made the first step, we are talking about it - it is a huge step for me and I do find that it does help. I am fighting but at least I am... a few days ago I wanted to give up and die because I thought this is it, i can't cope with this anymore, but now even though I have recurrent depressive thoughts I am trying to assure myself that everything will be fine

It is really good that we're talking about our anxiety and any other feelings we have. It can be so overwhelming and I can remember one really bad day when I felt like giving up because of my breathing anxiety. But we both pulled through and I think sometimes people don't know how strong they are because they're still holding on. I think this forum is one of the best things on the Internet to help though, and that there is a glimmer of hope for all of us, even in the darkest of times, to help us endure. : )

28-07-11, 22:23
welcome to the forum :)