View Full Version : Really feel like im going mad.

27-07-11, 12:00
Hi all im having a really tough time atm.
Im 36 weeks pregnant with two kids and a great husband. I suffer from anxiety panic attacks and agoraphobia but since starting CBT im so depressed. I keep catasotrphizing about everything that what if my hubby dies or leaves then im alone and im so scared of being alone or what if we both die and kids are left alone I dont really have family my mum passed away and my dad has married a total witch who says im banned from her and my dads house as im `mental`. I dont know what to do I live in costant fear and i cant stop crying im on edge so much life is very hard and im scaring myself.
Sorry about punchtion im on my phone.

paula lynne
27-07-11, 13:10
Hiya again. Sorry you still feel like this. I think its exacerbated because the birth isnt far away now which while being fantstic news, is accompanied by lots of changes in the family dymanic. Im sorry CBT hasnt helped, please talk frankly to your councellor about how you feel.
Life is all about uncertainty isnt it. We never know when things are going to happen. I know you are scared but please try to relax a little and enjoy the rest of your pregnancy.
Im shocked your step-mother has banned you from the house, how very rude and judgemental of her! You have a right to see your dad, but maybe ask him to yours, or neutral turf. For her to label you as "mental" is not only unkind, but cruel. You dont need people like that in your life. Dont let her sever the bonds with your dad.

We always imagine the worst with anxiety. Just for today, imagine the best......take care x:hugs:

27-07-11, 13:17
I just want to be a normal mum. My dad only says maybe you should see a dr and doesnt defend me. I havent spoken to him in 4 months. I dont see my CPN for a bout three weeks I dont know if I will suvive that long life is sp difficult why me im a good person.