View Full Version : Does doing more trigger your anxiety/set you back??

27-07-11, 12:15
Hey all,

After an absolutely horrible 'bout' of anxiety (so bad I could barely physically get out of bed) I've been feeling much better the last 3 or 4 weeks, I started getting better pretty rapidly (and have upped the dose of citalopram) and with the enthusiasm of feeling much more 'ok' I've been meeting up with friends, going out the house nearly every day and generally doing more (though I've not yet gone back to my very small part time job)
Anyway, yesterday I had a headache all day and today it's still lingering, also a feeling of wanting to cough, a bit of palpitations -it's not nice! :mad: This may also be linked to time of the month -and I have been feeling more stressed the last few days.
And so here I am remembering that I told myself I should pace myself when I'm better, and go slowly. Does anyone else find 'doing more' sets them back??

Responses appreciated! :D

27-07-11, 12:43
I dont have the answer to this but I find if I do more im more exhausted and when im exhausted sometimes I struggle to control my PA's xx

27-07-11, 15:33
Hi VioletWings,

Well done for pushing yourself to do things you enjoy! I am sorry to hear you are feeling anxious again but to put your mind at rest I am worse at the time of the month. Headaches, feeling sick, sweating, shaking, palpitations but I know it's just a combination of hormones & anxiety (a bad combination at that).

If all else fails get some chocolate & a nice glass of red wine down you.

I hope you feel better soon.

Emily xxx

28-07-11, 18:13
Hi, as MardyBum (best username ever!) says, tiredness is the killer. Lately I have been doing more, going on dates, working harder, making plans for the future etc, and once the adrenaline has run out the anxiety DEFINITELY feels worse. Your mood crashes, you feel burned out like an old knackered car engine.

Also I get the "citalopram hangover" which is much worse when you're tired, so if you're on meds you will probably be experiencing this.

Apart from that, activity is very, very good and is a positive sign of recovery, just make sure you have coping strategies for when you feel rough!

28-07-11, 23:01
I feel more anxious when I've got a lot to do. I feel like I get tired very easily and find it harder to control my anxiety and my emotions when I'm tired.

I've started going to the gym for the first time and I'm finding the exercise is giving me more energy. I've started listening to music when I'm doing the housework and going for walks. Physical things that are fun and give me more energy.

I also feel rough at that time of the month. I get cramps at night so I'm short on sleep as well as hormonal. The hormonal stuff places more stress on the body.

28-07-11, 23:43
I guess I am the opposite, when I am busy with something, I am more focused on that task. When I stop everything becomes overwhelming possibly why I work as many hours as I do :unsure:. You will work out whatever is right for you, we are all different and our recovery needs to be right for the individual:)

I hope that you manage to acomplish all you set out to acheive.
