View Full Version : Hello, I am a 23 year old female suffering from panick attacks and depression/anxiety

27-07-11, 13:09
I always knew I was different since I was little but I did not know why. I am now 23 years old and have recently found out I am suffering from panick attacks, depression and anxiety after several visits to gp's and hospital. I find it hard to talk about it because I feel that people who have not been through the same situation will never be able to understand me no matter how good-willing they are. I have not yet visited a psychiatrist as it is not that easy to arrange this through NHS, sometimes you have to wait far too long and going private is too expensive for my financial situation. Even now it is hard to explain what I am going through as thoughts are still flying up and down and all over the place in my mind and it is very hard to take it out and explain it. I have done some researches about mental illnesses and disorders and I found my symptoms to be very simillar to sufferers of bipolar disorder. It is horrid! I am now taking Fluoxetine as prescribed by my gp,it helped with my panick attacks which were really killing me but on the other hand I seem to be depressed most of the time but even worse, I find myself doing things that I later deeply regret. I tried indulging myself in alcohol, it made it worse. I tried becoming religious, trying to find different paths, did not make a difference. Have tried praticing yoga, I can't seem to be able to do it. Have tried gym, jogging, paiting, writing, ....none of these made me feel better. None of my friends can undrestand me hence I can't speak to them about this. My mother suffers from major depression and I am just too terrified to tell her because I think it would put her down even more. I know there are people out there who have huge problems, true tragedies and going through disasters and thinking of that makes me feel even worse. I am trying to find myself because at the moment I really don't know where I am. I wish I could find someone in a simillar situation I could speak to and maybe that way we could help each other and make life easier because at the moment I feel like I'm going through hell. I have been advised by my boss about this website and I am very greatful to him as he is now the best friend I have ever had. I am looking forward to hearing from somebody.

27-07-11, 13:10
Hi Fatou88

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

27-07-11, 13:26
Hi Fatou,

I'm new here too and the same age. Like you I've spent a lot of my time looking for the answer like you have - excercise or stay still, eat or not, drink or not, natural remedies and so on. Having spent a lot of time looking at forums like these I've started to realise how looking for an answer or fix just isn't helping me and have taken some good advice and decided to just accept I'm an anxious person at the moment. A few weeks ago I would have argued and said that I wanted a quick fix but honestly I feel a lot better having just accepted it and ignored as many of the symptoms as I can.

I hope this helps and I hope you find the reassurance and advice you need here :)

27-07-11, 14:22
Hi Fatou88,

Welcome to the site.

Emily xxx

28-07-11, 11:23
Hi Fatou88

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

Many thanks Diane

28-07-11, 11:36
[QUOTE=Plysg;857408]Hi Fatou,

I'm new here too and the same age. Like you I've spent a lot of my time looking for the answer like you have - excercise or stay still, eat or not, drink or not, natural remedies and so on. Having spent a lot of time looking at forums like these I've started to realise how looking for an answer or fix just isn't helping me and have taken some good advice and decided to just accept I'm an anxious person at the moment. A few weeks ago I would have argued and said that I wanted a quick fix but honestly I feel a lot better having just accepted it and ignored as many of the symptoms as I can.

I hope this helps and I hope you find the reassurance and advice you need here :)[/QUOTE

Thank you for your response, it is good to know that there are many people out there like me and I'm not alone. Having said that, my state is not just one of anxiety, I experience different episodes of extreme depression, extreme mania, I am very suspicious, extremly anxious, have had several panic attacks, sometimes I think people want to kill me by poisoning not to talk about my physical state....It is not easy to get on with my life going throgh this but I still do, I am proud of myself!

28-07-11, 11:37
Hi Fatou88,

Welcome to the site.

Emily xxx

Thanks Emily x

28-07-11, 22:20
welcome to the forum belive me your not alone in this ive been to the hospital so many times i have my own room there but everytime sorry mark nothing wrong with you anxiety and panic everytime you are safe here with us and we will help you get through this :)

29-07-11, 18:03
welcome to the forum belive me your not alone in this ive been to the hospital so many times i have my own room there but everytime sorry mark nothing wrong with you anxiety and panic everytime you are safe here with us and we will help you get through this :)

Thank you :)

03-08-11, 23:04
Hi Fatou
Your symptoms seems similar to some of mine though i have not yet plucked up the courage to do anything about it! I have joined up to this site just now as i was getting myself into a panic and need to speak to people who feel the same way. I dont want to talk to my partner about it as they suffer from depression and i find that whenever i try and explain how i feel i feel a bit stupid cause i have nothing to be sad or anxious about!!!
It must be difficult having mental illness in your family and knowing that you suffer too. Hopefully you will get support from people on here who are in the same situation

Best wishes x

03-08-11, 23:07
Hiya and welcome to NMP I hope you find the help and advice here and maybe make a few friends in the process


06-08-11, 00:37
hi fatou!! new here too and can completely realted, joined the gym tried to turn my life around. didnt work anxiety - stress --- cigarettes. ive tried the cbt but it didnt really work for me, my panic attacks are just... .. ugh .. incomprehenadble (spelt that wrong).

07-08-11, 02:57
I read your post with interest, I can feel your emotional state hun, first things first take a deep breath, you are normal-whatever normal may be, mental illness-and it took me a LONG time to realise that is what it is-is a lot more common than you think, and the things that you are experiencing now CAN be sorted out.....if I were you I would start writing everything down, how you are feeling, things like-'I felt really panicked at this point today because.......' and try to find things to justify it, maybe the reason you were scared in public place was because of the amount of people. or a certain noise.......then again you may have no clue, but to write things down helps to look back on later in the day/week and you never know you may find a common denominator too.....I found that when my ex partner was in a specific place it made made my anxiety go completely up the wall-because i associated that place with certain things............most of all hun realise that you're NOT alone, and your situation is just as important as the things others have going on in their lives..........eg someone may have cancer but just get on and deal with it as 'one of those things' but your panic attacks are taking over your life-they may feel YOU need more help than THEM.....but you feel THEY need more help than YOU.......it's never just black and white......small things can make a massive difference in a life.



07-08-11, 09:38
Hi Fatou,

First - you're not alone. THere are millions of us. Remember that. Its just that we are surround by many more millions who are not like us! I have made a complete recovery from an anxiety disorder and I honestly look back and am bemused by how seriously I took it. Three essential bits of kit you need:
'Loving What Is' by Byron Katie;
'Get out of your mind and into your life' by Steven Hayes - you have to do the written exercises for it to work.
'Stormy search for the self' Stanislav and Christine Grof.
Your search suggest that you are a sensitive person on a spiritual journey so, although medication is helpful, and I am taking lexapro, I feel that seeing yourself as being on a tough spiritual journey, rather than being mentally ill is more helpful.
The most important thing you will learn from the books is not to take yourself too seriously.
I am working with a guide/advisor at the moment Kranti Ananta. Try googling her and see if you like what she has to say. Definitely follow some of the links - that's how I found Byron Katie.never lose hope.

08-08-11, 14:38
I always knew I was different since I was little but I did not know why. I am now 23 years old and have recently found out I am suffering from panick attacks, depression and anxiety after several visits to gp's and hospital. I find it hard to talk about it because I feel that people who have not been through the same situation will never be able to understand me no matter how good-willing they are. I have not yet visited a psychiatrist as it is not that easy to arrange this through NHS, sometimes you have to wait far too long and going private is too expensive for my financial situation. Even now it is hard to explain what I am going through as thoughts are still flying up and down and all over the place in my mind and it is very hard to take it out and explain it. I have done some researches about mental illnesses and disorders and I found my symptoms to be very simillar to sufferers of bipolar disorder. It is horrid! I am now taking Fluoxetine as prescribed by my gp,it helped with my panick attacks which were really killing me but on the other hand I seem to be depressed most of the time but even worse, I find myself doing things that I later deeply regret. I tried indulging myself in alcohol, it made it worse. I tried becoming religious, trying to find different paths, did not make a difference. Have tried praticing yoga, I can't seem to be able to do it. Have tried gym, jogging, paiting, writing, ....none of these made me feel better. None of my friends can undrestand me hence I can't speak to them about this. My mother suffers from major depression and I am just too terrified to tell her because I think it would put her down even more. I know there are people out there who have huge problems, true tragedies and going through disasters and thinking of that makes me feel even worse. I am trying to find myself because at the moment I really don't know where I am. I wish I could find someone in a simillar situation I could speak to and maybe that way we could help each other and make life easier because at the moment I feel like I'm going through hell. I have been advised by my boss about this website and I am very greatful to him as he is now the best friend I have ever had. I am looking forward to hearing from somebody.

Fluoxetine wil do nothing for panic allot of tablet taking just soothes the mind what dose are you on ? i have used it before but i carnt remember the dose proponolol is usally given for panic (stops adrenaline)

i have said this before but the book on nerves in the nmp shop is excelent well worth the read helped me no end and i seffered panic and depression to the point i did not get out of bed for 6 weeks only litrally to go to the toilet but knowledge is power trying to just fight it wont work you need the tools to do it read that book and have a look through the forum and you will be on your way the 1st step is the hardest when you dont no where you are going but the 1st step with a plan lifts the cloud over you take i wish you luck if you need any advise pm me