View Full Version : Acid Reflux and Dizziness?

27-07-11, 13:15
Hiya guys,

Have been trawling through this forum for a few weeks now and have only now plucked up a bit of courage to register and post!

I hope someone out there can help or offer a bit of reassurance, and I'd love to be able to offer the same back when I get better :blush:

About 3 months ago I went out and drank a fair amount of nasty white wine. The following five days I was in agony with a horrible cramping stomach and was barely able to eat anything. At the same time I was under a lot of stress and having panic attacks due to issues at work and home. My stomach eventually cleared up and was replaced by my lymph glands in my neck and head swelling. Docs sent me for blood tests for thyroid and anaemia and these came back fine, the lymph nodes went down after a week or so.

Since then I've had this acidy stomach and tiredness on and off, feeling sickly and not wanting to eat anything. Different docs keep sending me for new blood tests (glandular fever, diabetes, anaemia again) but these came back fine. Two weeks ago I went back in tears and exhausted, told I probably had acid reflux without heartburn symptoms and was finally given some Lansoprazole 30mg and Gaviscon.

This started to kick in a few days ago and I had last weekend where I felt pretty good for the first time in months. I've been very very strict on what I eat and drink which has helped. Then two days ago my stomach started to play up again, not so much high up in my stomach this time but lower and more sort of heavy, bloated and sluggish, struggling to go to the loo. Since then, whenever I eat anything about 20 mins later I'm hit with horrible tiredness that completely floors me. It makes me want to be sick and I tremble. Doesn't seem to matter how small or big the meal is either. It frightens the heck out of me because it's so overwhelming, I can only compare it to anaemia which I had a few years back where your brain just feels drained and your whole body aches, although anaemia isn't something that tends to come on for a couple of hours and disappear. Bizarrely, it sometimes makes me sneeze a lot too.

Docs again this morning, she doesn't have a clue and has sent me for H Pylori test next week. The only thing she thinks it could be is a water infection as although one of my urine tests came back fine, she said it's possible I could still have one as I get the odd twinge in my kidney and pass water a lot. Antibiotics given for this.

I'm 99% sure that most of my symptoms are exacerbated by my anxiety. I've been managing this well over the last few weeks and have felt lots better but earlier this week had a bit of a stressful episode, shortly after which my stomach kicked off again.

Really I just want to know if any of this sounds familiar to anybody? The dizziness after eating especially as it's really frightening me. Do you think it's likely that anxiety/stress could account for most of this? I'm just wiped out, gone from being a normal rational person to a paranoid nervous wreck in the space of a few months and just don't recognise myself!

If anyone could shed a bit of wisdom or shared experiences I would really appreciate it, these boards have given me so much insight so far.



28-07-11, 01:24
Hiya guys,

Have been trawling through this forum for a few weeks now and have only now plucked up a bit of courage to register and post!

I hope someone out there can help or offer a bit of reassurance, and I'd love to be able to offer the same back when I get better :blush:

About 3 months ago I went out and drank a fair amount of nasty white wine. The following five days I was in agony with a horrible cramping stomach and was barely able to eat anything. At the same time I was under a lot of stress and having panic attacks due to issues at work and home. My stomach eventually cleared up and was replaced by my lymph glands in my neck and head swelling. Docs sent me for blood tests for thyroid and anaemia and these came back fine, the lymph nodes went down after a week or so.

Since then I've had this acidy stomach and tiredness on and off, feeling sickly and not wanting to eat anything. Different docs keep sending me for new blood tests (glandular fever, diabetes, anaemia again) but these came back fine. Two weeks ago I went back in tears and exhausted, told I probably had acid reflux without heartburn symptoms and was finally given some Lansoprazole 30mg and Gaviscon.

This started to kick in a few days ago and I had last weekend where I felt pretty good for the first time in months. I've been very very strict on what I eat and drink which has helped. Then two days ago my stomach started to play up again, not so much high up in my stomach this time but lower and more sort of heavy, bloated and sluggish, struggling to go to the loo. Since then, whenever I eat anything about 20 mins later I'm hit with horrible tiredness that completely floors me. It makes me want to be sick and I tremble. Doesn't seem to matter how small or big the meal is either. It frightens the heck out of me because it's so overwhelming, I can only compare it to anaemia which I had a few years back where your brain just feels drained and your whole body aches, although anaemia isn't something that tends to come on for a couple of hours and disappear. Bizarrely, it sometimes makes me sneeze a lot too.

Docs again this morning, she doesn't have a clue and has sent me for H Pylori test next week. The only thing she thinks it could be is a water infection as although one of my urine tests came back fine, she said it's possible I could still have one as I get the odd twinge in my kidney and pass water a lot. Antibiotics given for this.

I'm 99% sure that most of my symptoms are exacerbated by my anxiety. I've been managing this well over the last few weeks and have felt lots better but earlier this week had a bit of a stressful episode, shortly after which my stomach kicked off again.

Really I just want to know if any of this sounds familiar to anybody? The dizziness after eating especially as it's really frightening me. Do you think it's likely that anxiety/stress could account for most of this? I'm just wiped out, gone from being a normal rational person to a paranoid nervous wreck in the space of a few months and just don't recognise myself!

If anyone could shed a bit of wisdom or shared experiences I would really appreciate it, these boards have given me so much insight so far.



Everything i have high lighted above i suffer with and had the tests etc all to come back clear even the H-Plyori test that was negative to...
Tonight am up so late because i have been so constipated for days i just can't go the loo no matter what i eat or take etc...
an then earlier on after dinner i had a small bowl of cake & custard i think i had two small bits of the cake and a few spoons of custard & just below my ribs in the center i get this horrible heavy bloated sickly feeling :weep: but this is happening with everythin i eat like you no matter how big or small my foods are i still get this sickly feeling :( also my stomach swells up like am 9months pregnant and the wind that spins round it is horrible oh and i get bad smelly wind (sorry)
my doctor also put me on omeprazole which do help but i haven't taken them in a while :weep:
But just so you don't feel alone and you no its not just anxiety (which does play a big part in it) but i have all this to so you no your defo not alone xx

Oh and i always get weird cramp type pains these usually around my belly button area but do move all over..
Burning feeling from my belly button area right up into throat
Lower Back Pains & pressure feeling just above pubic area but the worse is the heavy feeling just below ribs in the center this can last hours or days

I just hate the way we have to suffer like this nearly 24/7 and the fact that i cant go the loo hardly (as when i do go its always just a tiny bit) but i feel there is a lot more to come out ...............

whenever i ask my doc he always says its Acid & IBS just have to trail & error with all your foods x

29-07-11, 18:52
It's funny you should mention the belly button - I always get a sore belly button the day before my stomach starts playing up! bizarre, my body.

It's reassuring to know I'm not alone (this forum is fab). It can be quite frightening going through it on your own.

The dizziness is so strange, it must be something to do with a blood pressure change after eating or something, well that's what I tell myself. The sniffles are plain weird though, like today stomach being a git all morning and then when I finally eat something I get all fluey for a few hours. Really knocks me out. Hate it when it happens at work and you've got to smile through it. Doc says the acid reflux could take a couple of months before I notice it getting better on the meds. Just going to have to wait it out I suppose :(

Meant to be going on hols in a week and I'm so worried about it. Can't believe how much I've changed, I'm so stressy now!

Do you have good patches and bad patches?