View Full Version : SO angry and scared

Fly away Katie
27-07-11, 17:03
This is going to sound an over reaction, but i'm sure you'll understand if you have anxiety too :(

Basically ive been with my boyfriend for 4 months and ive got this phobia of people blowing into my mouth (as in when you die and they breathe for you) and my boyfriend was WELL aware of this and we just kissed to say goodbye, and he deliberately blew into my mouth and down into my lungs as hard as possible, and then laughed. I had a panic attack STRAIGHT away, as it made my right lung really hurt instantly. I threw him out of my house straight away and said, I never want to see you again. Im not upset yet as im still panicing.

What could the pain be? And is what he did dangerous? Im so scared :'(


27-07-11, 18:02
What a ****, good for you for chucking him out. Thankfully he is unlikely to have done any damage and having a panic attack would have made your chest hurt more. My advice would be to contact nhs direct or gp if really concerned but I really dont think you have to worry. Stay strong. You dont need idiots like that in your life x x

27-07-11, 18:09
I can totally understand why you're so angry and upset it's not an overreation at all to us who understand what it's like to have anxiety problems.
I think the pain is more likely like Hope said to be because of the panic attack rather than him blowing into your mouth, our bodies are very quick reactors so the pain could come on straight away as a fear response to your phobia.
I hope your panic eases really soon and I'm really sorry that you had to go through that people who haven't experienced the kind of intense fear that we have just don't get it.
hugs xxxx

28-07-11, 12:07
it will be fine xxx

28-07-11, 12:35
Wow I’m still trying to get my head round this, that was a seriously insensitive thing to do. As the others have said unlikely to have done any damage but a call to NHS direct might put your mind at ease and allow you to settle down and regain your composure. All I can say is he must have issues far and away deeper than yours to do such a thing. I bet you wish you had been quicker off the mark and knee'd him in the plums:ohmy:
Thinking of you

29-07-11, 06:08
Yup, I agree. Terribly insensitive and childish thing to do! I'm sorry you had to go through that. But like the rest said, I'm sure you're fine. How long did the pain last ?