View Full Version : get this off my chest.

27-07-11, 22:07
Generally i don't talk about the things in life that get me down but i think it would do me some good to get it all out. here goes...

I grew up with one of the most dysfunctional families. My mother has multiple sclerosis, my stepdad who is my dad has sacrcoidosis (not sure if i spelt that right) my two brothers, autism and aspergers syndrome. So growing up me and my sis never really got a lot of attention. my real dad chose heroin over his kids so we ever saw him growing up either.
my sis and i had to learn how to look after ourselves really and everybody else.
when i was 13 i met my first boyfriend who got me in with the wrong crowd and i did many things that today i wish i hadnt. At 13 i'd tried drugs, had sex, been in trouble with the school and was cutting my arms because i couldnt talk to anybody with mum and dad too ill and stressed to help.
When i was 15 i fell pregnant and i never kept the baby. I feel i made the right choice but it was a horrible and painful thing to go through and it will stay with me forever.
shortly after that i went through a childrens panel and was told to really sort myself out or end up as another child through the system. It worked. I stopped hanging around with people doing drugs and i started seeing a child psychiatrist. i found she wasnt helpful and stopped seeing her but i did stop cutting my arms. I got my head down at school and did very well in exams considering what had gone on in my life. just before i was due o sit my highers i fell pregnant with evie. was 16, quit school and moved in with my boyfriend.
he wasnt a nice guy and used to hit me. one day when evie was just a few month old he went too far and i left him.
I then met my partner bob who i am still with today and he helps me through so much. he encouraged me to go to college and puts up with all my panics, pararnoia, derpession anger and everything. sometimes i really wonder why he doesnt leave me. I'm 19 now and doing so much better and i'm a brilliant mum to evie and i'm proud of her and myself. But recently i've been very down because i came off citalopram. it was making things seem surreal and i felt like i wasnt there at all at times. Now things are hard because im trying to adjust without citalopram after being on them so long
I really feel i need to speak to a psychiatrist but my doctor doesnt think my problems are that bad and says the waiting lists are so long she wont put in a referral. So i guess i'm stuck in this rut until something gives. but it helps to know ive been in worse places before and survived.
so thats basically my life in a nutshell.

thank you for taking the time to read this and i feel a little better after getting this all out.

28-07-11, 01:58
Hi Kimmidoll

After an awful start in life it seems things on the whole are going really well for you. A good supportive partner, a lovely daughter and full credit to you for turning out to be such a good mum.

I should be coming off ads myself soon (Sertraline) and have mixed feelings about it. Did you taper down your dose at all or did you just come straight off? I have heard it is much better to decrease gradually, but it probably depends on your doctor whether or not you do it this way. If you are really struggling maybe you could go back on them temporarily and reduce more gradually next time? If on the other hand you are slowly finding it easier, it's probably best to stick it out and carry on as you are.


28-07-11, 16:35
well i never spoke the doctor i just woke up one day a couple of weeks ago and felt fed up with them and just quit. I really dont like them. I've tried telling my doc on at least 3 occaisons that i didnt think they agree with me and she kep saying give them a chance and 6 months was a fair chance. must admit i've had a hellish 2 weeks and the doc wont be happy but it felt like the right thing to do. those tablets scare me and i'd prefer to either try something diferent or maybe cbt. Its just hard to et my head round it all and figre out what isn going to be best for me. Thank you for your words of support.