View Full Version : room spinning, jumping up, twitches

28-07-11, 07:19
Hi, I have posted here before under the thread 'is it all really anxiety'? Anyway, I didn't add this in as I didn't seem to have it for a while. On night I went to sleep and everything was fine but when I woke the room was spinning and eventually it made me be sick. Since then I was waking up shaking, hot and very upset in the night. Went to my doctor and was told anxiery. Als when I amabout to nod off I feel this big warm rush through my body and my head and again I feel a spinning/falling sensation. I was put on meds and I stopped wakin in the night with the shakin etc. However me bein me after another few days I was still feelin extremely dizzy, sick, tired lightheaded. Went emergency and was told that I have post natal depression and to go to my gp and get this sorted. Anyways that was about 2 week ago and the doctor said it would arrive in a week or 2 so I'm just waiting for my refferral. However, I've been missing a tablet here and there, where in the past 2 days I have missed 3 and had a glass of wine in the past 2 nights. Last nighti woke up with a big jump, felt kinda dizzy. Tried to sleep but it started again. I got the bad palpitation, felt like I couldn't breath and everytime I started to fall asleep I felt the burning sensation and spinning etc again. It took me a while to get back to sleep but once I was asleep I didn't wake again. I'm just wondering does anyone else get this and could the fact that I've miss my tablets be a reason for it?? The tablets are to slower my heart rate because I've had these palpitations since having my baby. Also to relax me. Its impossible for me to relax. I need a tranquiliser!! Anyways, replys would be wonderful. Especially if othere experience it and tell me their happenings :)

paula lynne
28-07-11, 09:50
Hiya, I get this and I know several people do too....especially that "rush" to the head and dizzyness when trying to sleep. Its an awful sensation! I hold onto the headboard and tell myself its just a sensation, and Im not actually in a force 9 gale! I think it may be a side effect of your tablet, or indeed that you are missing tablets quite often. Your brain chemistry is changing with the tabs, and when you miss a few your brain is like "oh...wheres that med?" and then you get the sensations. Obviously, the best thing to do is to take them regularly. I keep mine by my kettle which helps to remind me. I think if you take them for a month and the feelings continue, its always worth going back to your GP for re-assessment. Hope you feel better soon. Paula x

28-07-11, 11:19
Oo thank you so much. I think its not takin the meds becasue I felt better once I started takin them its only when I've not been takin them that it has come back. That's what I try and tell meyself and I makesure I take deep breathes and it helps a little but I just can't help panickin!! I just don't want it to ast forever. I want it to just go away!! I've only had ir a couple of monthh but I'm fed up. It started with just feelin my heart poundin through my body and its gradually got to this stage. I used to wake up with uncontrolable shakin but that hasn't come back yet. I'm just hopin g I get better soon as I want my life back and to do everyday things feelin normal xx

28-07-11, 12:35
Oo thank you so much. I think its not takin the meds becasue I felt better once I started takin them its only when I've not been takin them that it has come back. That's what I try and tell meyself and I makesure I take deep breathes and it helps a little but I just can't help panickin!! I just don't want it to ast forever. I want it to just go away!! I've only had ir a couple of monthh but I'm fed up. It started with just feelin my heart poundin through my body and its gradually got to this stage. I used to wake up with uncontrolable shakin but that hasn't come back yet. I'm just hopin g I get better soon as I want my life back and to do everyday things feelin normal xx