View Full Version : Hard lump on skull/head

28-07-11, 09:44
Just noticed it yesterday. I thought it was just part of skull but it seems quite prominent and only on one side-round bony lump maybe a bit less than an inch in diametr what can it be? I've never heard of cancer on tge head so trying to not freak out. Can it be a perfectly round bone that suddenly grown or something? I don't think it's a lymph node cos it doesn't move and feels like a bone just a raised round one... I don't want to go to the doc I've been there recently with a different thing...

28-07-11, 13:17

I'm pretty sure it's just part of your skull. I'm sure I read somewhere that if you were completely bald then your head wouldn't look totally round. I have a small lump on my head that moves when touched and it's a harmless cyst. But my son has quite a big hard lump on the top of his head that just feels like a part of his skull.

Hope that helps x

28-07-11, 14:14
hi my boyfriend has this i think its a harmless cyst too,go doctors and get him to check it out,i sometimes feel embrassed by going doctors too much but we will only worry if we dont plus the doctors have to put up with a lot worse then us :)

30-07-11, 11:52
i'm not sure if it's a lump or part of the skull, it's kind of perfectly round and i swear it wasnt there before... could a cyst be as hard as the bone and don't move at all?

Rachel W
30-07-11, 16:37
I had a really hard lump appear on the back of my skull last year and I was worried, but had recently had a few zits on my head too. It was quite big too (almost 2cm?) It ended up being a cyst/zit that hadn't come to a head (and never did) as it went away. I thought that it was something serious because, like yours, it did not move and was VERY hard like bone. Just in case, I put some antibiotic cream on it, and as I said it went away within a couple of weeks. So YES, a cyst can be VERY hard and immobile. It also wasn't sore to touch either.

31-07-11, 00:24
Thanks Rachel could be that... I'll try to forget about it for couple of weeks and see how it goes. Just trying to remind myself there is nothing dangerous that can grow there I mean cancerous tumors grow inside not outside on the bone. It's hard to remain calm with health anxiety:/