View Full Version : I was doing so well :(

28-07-11, 09:50
I haven't Been On here for so long cause Iv been doing so well but today, ad I'm at work, I looked down at my desk and there it was, a orange coloured light going across my desk, but it was my eyes :( stupid anxiety :( been t the opticians and all us fine why does it do this to me x

paula lynne
28-07-11, 09:53
Hiya. x
Visual disturbance is common with anxiety, and affects a lot of people. For some others, its a heightened sense of hearing, or smell. I myself am sensative to light, and often see things like flashes of colour or spots or something. Its a scary feeling at times, but it wont hurt you. x Paula x

28-07-11, 10:00
Oh anxietyoverload, I do sympathise.

I have been keeping a lid on my anxiety for ages, and yet yesterday whilst shopping I could feel it rising up again and was struggling with my vision - flickering and flashing - and felt faint (my normal panic thing)

It is horrible I know. Try to be nonchalant about it if you can, see it as a small blip, and get on with things regardless.

Big hugs to you.xx:hugs:

05-08-11, 15:12
In so glad I'm not the only one, it scares me so much, the other night I was watching tv and I saw a give White flash so I rewound the tv and it happened again in the same place so I thought it must be the programme but then I did it agIn and it wasn't there!! What's wrong with me :( and lately it feels like there's so much pressure in my head and it going to come out of my ears, do you get this too? Xx