View Full Version : I want to snap out of this depression

28-07-11, 10:56
I just can't take feeling like this. I've nearly blown my relationship through sheer paranoia and just being a ****.
I got as far as having about 50 pain killers in front of me last night.
I'm seeing a doctor later, not mine but I remember years ago she asked about the scars on my arms so I came to the conclusion that if she cared then she might be able to help now.

I just want this to go away :weep:

28-07-11, 11:44
Bless you. Please don't do anything rash - remember that they are just feelings, not reality. You WILL get better. Glad you are seeing the doctor I am sure they will help you somehow.
You cannot, however, "snap out of it". Saying that and failing at snapping out of it will make you feel worse. Make small goals and get better gradually. Make it your mission to get a tiny bit better each day :)

macc noodle
28-07-11, 13:10

What you have to remember through all of this is that you decided to stop your meds and this is what is making you feel so off balance now - you are suffering with withdrawal.

So all iis not as bad as you think - once you get your meds back on course, you will regain your balance and will start to feel better.

You know honey, it really does not matter if you need to take meds to feel well - just as long as you feel well - don't be hard on yourself.

Hang on in there and you will soon feel on a more even keel.


28-07-11, 21:51
Thank you for your replies. I feel better now than I did last night/this morning.
The doctor I saw (who wasn't my own as he wasn't in) was very understanding. She like myself thought the pill may not be helping however it would be a silly idea to come off that as if I did get pregnant being on ADs isn't good.
I now have another supply of venlafaxine and I will be taking it.

I still feel bad for my boyfriend, I terrified him last night having loads of pain killers lying there. He's actually got them all in his car now, obviously scared I'll go through with it.

The doctor I saw has also now reffered me to CBT, hopefully when I'm back from holiday I'll get to see her. I'm quite looking forward to going away next week. I think some time away from everything might help alot.

29-07-11, 21:57
Hi lizzie I'm sorry that you have been feeling like this. If you need meds to feel better then you need meds to feel better. Simple. When you are feeling a little better then you can make a rational decision whether they are right for you in the long term?The chances are that you will realise that with meds you will have less of a chance of relapsing. If and when you want to get pregnant then you can come off the meds. EJ